im so proud of you for this one, at least I know you’re not in deep enough that you repeat the “LG and Hexbear are all chinese bots!?!?” cliche.

Still it hurts, can’t you stroke our egos more like normal liberals do by pretending we’re important enough for China to pay attention to us like that rage-cry

  • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
    1910 months ago

    It’s simple: the Russian and Chinese governments are actually one.

    I mean, think about it: have you ever actually been to Russia and China? I mean, sure you’ve met people who claim to be “Chinese” or “Russian” online or maybe in the street, but they’re all getting paid by the government of the Sino-Soviet Socialist Republic, too. See, there was no Sino-Soviet split, actually, but rather a union — the whole split was actually a farce meant to trick the United States into believing that the socialist world was more fractured than it actually was. The USSR never actually dissolved, and there is no war in Ukraine, either — that’s just a way of tricking NATO into giving billions of dollars and countless firearms and so forth to the mighty SSSR.

    The entire territory of the Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Mongolian People’s Republic, the United Socialist Republic of Indochina, and the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, are all one big glorious nation. This fact must never become known to the capitalist west! It is in fact the most masterful and ingenious part of the godless communist strategy to subjugate the entire globe under the mighty, terrible heel of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat!

    • @kd637_mi
      910 months ago

      Your last paragraph made me both happy and sad. Don’t cry for what could have been, smile for what was…

      • ZoomeristLeninist [comrade/them, she/her]
        810 months ago

        in a shocking turn of events, the service workers of florida have taken control of the national guard depots and established a people’s state. they have seized all private industry and are engaged in a defensive war against the US military. they call it “orange terror”

    • 🏳️‍⚧️ 新星 [they/she]
      10 months ago

      In fact, BRICS actually serves as a front to make people think there are independent countries, and for secret annexation votes to the communist superstate.

      There was actually a secret vote in 1991 to annex other countries into this superstate, so the dissolution of the USSR was performed as a masterful distraction by Comrade Gorbachev

      • Erika3sis [she/her, xe/xem]
        710 months ago

        And that’s why to this very day, faking the dissolution of a country while actually expanding it is referred to in communist circles as “gorbing it down Soviet style”