While this is accurate information, I do not care at all what kind of country a bunch of slaveholders wanted. People who committed treason against King George III are not whom I should look to for patriotism.
That I hate everything about the “Founding Fathers”. I mention treason in order to remind patriotic Americans that those guys weren’t heroes and that they themselves were the opposite of patriotic.
And sure, it’s great to be monotheistically secular and in the 18th century, but I don’t care what kind of country these specific slaveholding landowners wanted for me now.
They were all “we need to not prefer any particular religion”, but were so ignorant of the world’s religions—and irreligion—that what they actually settled on was deism.
Deism is ultra progressive for an 18th-century government, but in using a one-god religion as part of the basis for their Declaration of Independence from George III means being non-sectarian was neither Hindu (more than one god) or non-theistic (less than), but rather monotheistic.
While this is accurate information, I do not care at all what kind of country a bunch of slaveholders wanted. People who committed treason against King George III are not whom I should look to for patriotism.
So… Like… The Red Coats did nothing wro… What are you trying to say?
I didn’t have “Royalist movement returns” on my 2024 bingo card
Me neither, but I did have one marked “Hot new cult hits the scene”, so I’m going to mark that space.
Come back into the fold 🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺🇪🇺
We have universal healthcare!
Long as youre cis ig
Unrelated EU flag? 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Step 1 Brexit
Step 2 Reclaim new world colonies
For what another year?
That I hate everything about the “Founding Fathers”. I mention treason in order to remind patriotic Americans that those guys weren’t heroes and that they themselves were the opposite of patriotic.
And sure, it’s great to be monotheistically secular and in the 18th century, but I don’t care what kind of country these specific slaveholding landowners wanted for me now.
Ok. I’m gonna just need you to explain “monotheistically secular” real quick though.
They were all “we need to not prefer any particular religion”, but were so ignorant of the world’s religions—and irreligion—that what they actually settled on was deism.
Deism is ultra progressive for an 18th-century government, but in using a one-god religion as part of the basis for their Declaration of Independence from George III means being non-sectarian was neither Hindu (more than one god) or non-theistic (less than), but rather monotheistic.