They recovered four, three of them AT the crash sites! How. The black boxes didn’t even survive. cat-confused

  • TechnoUnionTypeBeat [he/him, they/them]
    10 months ago

    To justify an invasion? We could have invaded anywhere we wanted any time we wanted

    This makes it sound like you were born after 2001

    Yes, in theory, the US could have invaded Iraq and Afghanistan any time they wanted, but wars in the US always require an excuse of some kind for The International Community ™, and inevitably are unpopular with one party

    The revanchist fury that soaked into the West right after 9/11 is hard to describe if you weren’t there. That shit was bipartisan, every liberal went full holden-bloodfeast overnight. News was 24/7 bloodlust, with the initial sucker punch on Baghdad playing live on every news outlet

    What followed was 20 years of the biggest MIC grifting the world had ever seen. Billions in failed Future Soldier shit, billions in new weapons. Contractors selling pens valued at a thousand times their worth just to grift a few million more. And then came the PATRIOT Act and other surveillance methods which were accepted to wide acclaim because of 9/11, with no mainstream pushback. It further solidified the vassal relationship of the rest of NATO/the EU to the US as the US dragged others in and began militarily grifting them as well.The pre-9/11 world would be just unrecognizable to anyone born afterwards

    Nobody is legitimately arguing that Bush personally contacted the Saudis and asked for Bin Laden. The usual argument is that the Bush regime had intel that they chose not to act on

      10 months ago

      Also, multiple bush regimes set up the circumstances that led to 9/11 starting with funding and arming the mujahideen. Bin Laden didn’t come out of nowhere and the invasion of Afghanistan was completely unnecessary in terms of catching him and others who orchestrated the attack. Even Al-Qaeda offered to hand him over before the invasion and they weren’t the last group to offer handing him over.

      Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and many other ghouls indirectly setup 9/11 and then made the fallout larger than it needed to be to achieve their stated goals. The blood of millions is on their hands and 9/11 was a drop in the bucket. They deserve to be tried, convicted, and locked away as war criminals, not to sit out retirement painting and pretending they did no wrong.