• @glimse@lemmy.world
      533 months ago

      The 1990s: Correct

      The '90s: Also correct as you’re abbreviating the above.

      The 90’s: Incorrect but I understand the mix-up.

      The 1990’s: Totally wrong in every way

        • @glimse@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Then you write The 90s’ like you would with other words ending in S. “The 90’s” would be like writing “The new’s”

          It’s referring to the years between 1990 and 1999 so the 90s is already plural.

          • @Cryophilia@lemmy.world
            23 months ago

            Unless you’re referring specifically to something belonging to the year 1990? Can’t think of any sentence where that would occur.

            • @glimse@lemmy.world
              13 months ago

              Yeah I was trying to think of one earlier, too, but I don’t think English is “set up” that way. We say things are FROM or OF the year, I can’t recall hearing that anything belongs TO a year.

    • @Beetschnapps@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      The 2000s would be hard to sum up in a single photo without breaking the narrative. The family would be well off, getting fat and buying a McMansion. They would likely be just as culpable for the issues affecting those later decades.

      2000 - 2008: economic boom combined with lots of deregulation on Wall Street led to the creation of almost a trillion in off the books derivative investments which were repackaged and sold off so much that they became toxic despite looking fine on paper, and made you money. Keeping the whole thing going led to something of an 8% increase in subprime lending.

      Combine that with lots of folks from the 90s rampantly speculating on house sales, creating a housing bubble as they try to get rich by raising prices and flipping houses. Mix in even more deregulation and you get a Great Recession setting back a generation, in 2008. All while the folks who pushed the deregulation turn around and blame it on a president who wasn’t even inaugurated until 2009.

      • Pleb
        13 months ago

        The 2000s are 20 years away, the 90s are 30 years away by now.

          • Pleb
            03 months ago

            Popping the bubble is as much part of the joke as pretending it’s not been that long.
            Same with the people pretending the 80s were only 20 years ago.