Oh dang, here’s a better source.
Oh dang, here’s a better source.
I wake up to my poo in the bed. No, it’s our poo in the bed.
Capitalism isn’t a mode for making uppercase letters. It’s the private ownership OF the mode for making uppercase letters.
Debian with fluxbox, cause I am tired and want things to just work and not change.
Yeah I been telling folks to not have anything planned for the day after just in case it hits them as hard as it did us.
Hmm we did get our flu shots at the same time as well. Mine was two days.
My first book idea started on a smoke break, was just shooting the shit about time travel books we would love to read. After that I wrote a short story and felt pretty good about it so I sent it to my coworker, they asked for more so I wrote more.
Rimworld has been my go to for my laptops
From Software hasn’t made a good game since King’s Field 3.
From Software hasn’t made a good game since King’s Field 3.
People on Reddit talking to people on Reddit is the worst.
I know in Battlefield 2142 they had generated ads on billboards. The game came with a little card in it telling you that by playing the game you agree to the terms of the ads.
Motion sensor light switches. I like walking into a room and the lights just turning on.
Pop! OS has been a great out of the box solution for me.
I’ve been a fan of torrentleech.org for the last few years. They open for invites a lot.
Folk Punk. Not that I think the genre itself is funny, but I swear every band comes out with a “funny” song and it’s fantastic.
Sometimes I am poop when I should be shit