Idk, I guess I just don’t want to deal with any more trans issues. I hate being trans with all my being and I don’t want to be reminded of it. Also, I wouldn’t want my hatred of being trans to affect a partner of mine. Generally I suppress what is necessary to not out myself, e.g I’m slightly bisexual, but I won’t date women.
I can definitely see how it would be nice to not have to worry about transphobia and also have an inherent understanding, but I’d prefer a partner to never bring up me being trans, I hate talking about it or being reminded of it (to such a degree that I’ve considered cutting off anyone who knows I’m trans including my family even though they are supportive)
But idk, it’s not like I’ll completely rule out dating another trans person, but it’s unlikely due to my dysphoria and the fact that I don’t know any trans people IRL. I’ll have to see what the future brings😅
The only things I connect with being trans are anger, shame and disgust. I’d prefer to never have been born. Sorry for the negativity, I’m just in a bad period currently.
Thanks for the kindness💕