In a strange shift, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was quoted as saying that Israel’s war on Gaza is identical to Moscow’s military operation against Ukraine.

The comments, attributed to Russia’s top diplomat, were cited by Russia Today in an interview on Thursday with RIA Novosti.

“The goals declared by Israel for its ongoing operation against Hamas militants in Gaza seem nearly identical to those put forward by Moscow in its campaign against the Ukrainian government,” RT quoted Lavrov as saying.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 21,320 Palestinians have been killed, and 55,603 wounded in Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza starting on October 7.

Palestinian and international estimates say that the majority of those killed and wounded are women and children.

Many international law experts have accused Israel of carrying out a genocide in the besieged Gaza Strip.

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  • DianaHasWings
    6 months ago

    If there’s one thing the Ukraine War should have taught everyone, it’s that you can never expect ideological consistency from Russia’s government or Russian propaganda. Russia’s foreign policy is purely transactional.

      • @CanadaPlus
        -26 months ago

        Some push an actual ideology, but yeah, nationalistic self-interest is pretty common around the world.

          86 months ago

          Literally what other standard could a nation possibly use to engage in foreign relations? The difference between nations with the same ideology is their relative position in the global and regional power structures. The difference between nations with different ideologies is their understanding of what constitutes their national self-interest.

          • @CanadaPlus
            -26 months ago

            Wow, so cynical. You’re sounding a bit like the other end of the political spectrum there.

            Ideally, actual concern for things like universal human rights would be considered. You could argue nobody really does that, but I’d argue it shows up a bit. The Soviet Union supported the crap out of any number of nations that were never going to pay them back (not least their own republics), and America actually tried building democracy in Afghanistan and basically lost the war because of it. It would have been pretty easy for them to just arm another brutal junta, or take the Chinese approach to central Asia and gradually eliminate or replace the local population entirely.

              6 months ago

              You sound delusional. The US lost the war because they tried to build democracy in Afghanistan? Listen to yourself. Honestly? There’s no possibility of having a conversation about national self interest and how human rights factor in if you believe shit like the USA was genuinely motivated to build a real democracy in Afghanistan.

              Get started deprogramming yourself. Listen to Blowback. Read their sources.

              • @CanadaPlus
                -16 months ago

                I don’t really like podcasts; I find it hard to catch everything they’re saying, or alternatively to listen through the parts where they’re not saying much. You’re better off citing Das Kapital like the other “anti-imperialists”. It’s barely readable but at least I can pull a quote without playing scribe.

                  16 months ago

                  Blowback is a highly produced audio miniseries. It’s a fundamentally different experience than an improvised free wheeling podcast. Listen to it before you make excuses for your miseducation.

    • mayooooo
      -36 months ago

      It’s not even transactional, it’s embarrassing. Like the people leading the place

  • Endorkend
    166 months ago

    Same objectives, speedrunning warcrimes and every form of genocide.

    146 months ago

    Two weeks now and the numbers of reported Palestinians death in these news articles is 21000… along with injuries and lack of water, shelter, food, and many diseases.

  • BillDaCatt
    136 months ago

    If what he is saying is that Russia wants the land known as Ukraine and Israel wants the land known as Gaza; I agree, Russia and Israel have similar goals.

  • FuckyWucky [none/use name]
    6 months ago

    About as expected, sadly Russia and China likes doing both sides on Palestine. Infinitely better than what Brandon and the west are doing but still, L.

    Like, Hamas leadership (and PLO in the 90s) has visited Russia on multiple occasions, so clearly the relations are alright. I do think part of Lavrov’s rhetoric mentioned in this article is just diplomatic nonsense.

    I so miss the USSR

    • treeOP
      6 months ago

      I wouldn’t count out the pressure of dual citizens and interest groups too, it’s not like the US is the only place that has an Israel lobby, Russian is spoken by around 1/5 people in Israel, although some of that 20% would also account for Russian speakers originally from other parts of the USSR, that is still a very substantial connection.

      26 months ago

      Looks like Palestinian liberation forces are armed with Chinese weapons. Remember that Chinese foreign policy is realpolitik, and doesn’t necessarily represent their ideological line.