They seem to love the cookie cutter houses chain restaurants and expensive unsustainable living that typifies the American suburb.

I posted a cookie cutter suburban house one time saying it looks like dog shit and bunch of chuds were like “What a beautiful house”.

Spoiled upper middle class women and chuds just seem to venerate suburban sprawl.


  • EatPotatoes [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Going through old pamphlets and webpages on for a youth ML org there where campaigns for “autonomous spaces” in addition to the usual amenities for young people. Somewhere free of commercial, religious, ideological influences etc.

    This was before the great recession with the neverending struggle against austerity and it’s consequences. But solving the problems of “third place” in creating a rich tapestry of welcoming environments outside the home could cool down the individualism and demonstrate some sort of an actually viable future. It will also backfire for a number of people too and drive them further into being “house pilled”.

    Worse is “family pilled” where nothing outside the family is permitted and there are no school/scouts/sports for them to escape to because of the blind eye their parents turned to the abuses of power that can be found anywhere. This lead the dream being some ornamental pastoral neo-peasant lifestyle where your kids are less socially adjusted then the amish and never get to become their own people and of course a massive ecological footprint and dependency on cheap diesel.