• @spudwart@spudwart.com
    228 months ago

    Do not forget about the part where it constantly lingers overhead, and despite you thinking about it every moment and making every moment hell until you do it, you don’t do it until that last minute anyway.

    • @Dkarma@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I used to be this way and saw it as a sign of significant immaturity.

      Procrastinators often aren’t just procrastinating, they never end up doing the activity at all or at least until there are significant consequences. It is inherently selfish behavior,really.

      • @kwking13@lemm.ee
        88 months ago

        Woah woah woah… selfish behavior? What do you think you know about procrastinators?

        I love that I procrastinate. It helps me to think about the issue/task for a longer period of time and allows for freedom to complete other tasks or relax instead of constantly stressing about getting things done immediately. I used to complete jobs right away and was rewarded with ever increasing workloads until I broke down from the amount of stress put on me daily. Procrastination isn’t something done to spite or hurt another person/entity…you have me a deadline and I completed it before it was due. Shouldn’t matter how I went about completing it.

        Procrastinating has taught me how to work under intense pressure when it’s absolutely needed, and I can respond in the moment with confidence in my ability. It helps me to find time to be more connected with my coworkers without being overburdened with an ever-increasing workload. If I don’t take the time to be true to myself as a procrastinator, you will get less and less quality work out of me as my mental capacity becomes overloaded. It’s selfish to abuse those that want/need to take their time while still working under last minute pressure to get it done.

        Not everything is so black and white just because it doesn’t fit with your style of working.

          • @kwking13@lemm.ee
            58 months ago

            Well that’s a more specific situation. Personally I try to get things done ahead of time in group projects. That just feels respectful to the others. I can agree that it’s a bit selfish to wait until the last minute when others can’t get their stuff done until I do.

            I just wanted to point out that procrastination shouldn’t be considered selfish. Different people have different working styles that work best for them. It’s a compromise to incorporate different working styles and the person who likes to do things right away and then relax should realize that there’s other styles and not everyone can operate the same way as them.

  • @areyouevenreal@lemm.ee
    158 months ago

    I think something is wrong with me then. When I start something early it normally ends up with me losing momentum part way through, stopping for ages, then having to work like mad at the end anyway. That or I end up changing project idea and having to start again. Both of these ended up happening with my dissertation.

    Like even when I start stuff at the right time it goes to shit. Somehow when I do stuff last minute it mostly turns out fine.

    • @jack@monero.town
      58 months ago

      Procrastination is good, it takes you were you naturally want to be and what you intuitively think is right. Starting early and forcing yourself through things you don’t care about is not productive.

      • @sheogorath@lemmy.world
        38 months ago

        But isn’t that like making excuses for yourself tho? I usually did the same as the parent commenter did. But if there’s an especially critical task that I cannot afford to ignore I use something like pomodoro timer to keep my attention span in check. Barring an external distraction – getting more of this as I’m getting more senior in my current work + kids when working remotely (⁠ノ⁠ಥ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಥ⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ – this method usually works.

          • @sheogorath@lemmy.world
            28 months ago

            It works, although you need to really stick to only working during the work time. I tried it when writing my thesis and miraculously I managed to work on it basically the whole day, from morning till night. Since then I’ve been using it sporadically when there’s an important work because for it to work for me I need to lock myself up so as to not get distracted by other people.

    • FiveMacs
      48 months ago

      Took me a long time to change the batteries in the smoke detector. Only did it because it stopped beeping. I too like to live dangerously

  • @some_guy
    78 months ago

    I’ve often stated that Past-Me is always hassling Present-Me with reminders of things I’m supposed to do. That asshole just loves setting a ton of notifications to fire throughout the day, making me feel bad for being a lazy procrastinator.

  • kubica
    48 months ago

    You can try to convince me but my brain thinks that’s some kind of propaganda.

  • @Valmond@lemmy.mindoki.com
    48 months ago

    Spent last two years trying to make my kid understand this, forcing a bit, being subtle, trying to explain, being a bit of an obnoxious parent …

    Last week he told me he’s doing the same work, with less work, and And having the weekend free.

    Do it parents. For you also it will be as rewarding.

    It is hard for both of you, so never forget it, be lenient when needed.

  • Dr. Coomer
    38 months ago

    The stress is what gives me the motivation to do the work. So no.

  • @colonelp4nic@lemmy.world
    08 months ago

    Hi, dropping in to say that everyone who relates to this has undiagnosed ADHD. Getting diagnosed at 29 was life changing for me

    • @smollittlefrog@lemdro.id
      8 months ago

      Literally everyone relates to this.

      If you believe something as common as this is sufficient to diagnose a mental disorder, you might’ve been misdiagnosed (or your diagnosis was explained insufficiently).

      • @colonelp4nic@lemmy.world
        18 months ago

        My friend, you think this likely because your family exhibits these traits (genetics) as do your friends(attracted to like groups). You’re using two ADHD meme traits, like thinking everyone feels this way and using extra parentheses (for bonus content). I bet you’ve also been told that you’re not living up to your potential (and that’s true!).

        If you want something objective, have a coffee or two at 6pm and see if you’re still able to fall asleep that night. The neuro typical folks would be unable to quiet down their brain.