Personally, I’m a scrambled egg person. I will mix my eggs without any seasoning in them. I will preheat my shallow cast iron pan with a ton of margarine and water, and let the water start bubbling. I will add the egg mixture into the water. The eggs will cook practically instantly, then after that it’s just cooking off as much water as you want cooked off. I’ll usually add cheese and green onions, but if I have them I will add crumbled potato chips. (taken from The Bear, great idea) Add salt and pepper at the end

  • janus2
    31 year ago

    cracked directly into a bowl of piping hot rice (right out of the pot or rice machine). easiest breakfast ever.

  • ZapataCadabra [he/him]
    31 year ago

    I put a little water in the pan, let it boil, then crack two eggs into it. Put the lid on so the steam cooks it. For over medium and easy eggs.

  • Sickos [they/them, it/its]
    21 year ago

    Crispy-fried sunny side. Quarter inch of oil, up in the 375-400 range, crack egg(s) directly in, splash oil around a bit, munch on toast.

  • KimJongFun [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This Cantonese scrambled egg preparation is terrific

    I also really like making frittatas if I’m making something more substantial. Just saute whatever veggies you want in a couple batches on medium high, put all the veggies back and bring it down to medium low, put shredded cheese on top till it starts to melt, put in whatever herbs you want til they’re fragrant, then add salted beaten eggs until the edges start to set and toss it in an oven at 400F until the egg is set (like 15 minutes). Top with some more herbs and a sour cream/hot sauce mixture and voila

  • ICantStopSuckingDick [comrade/them]
    21 year ago

    Air fry 375 for 3-5 minutes. Use a baking sheet, don’t even bother with extra pans for various shapes, just dump the egg on the sheet and don’t spill a drop. I prefer to break the yoke and spill the yellow over the white so it’s almost like a scrambled egg. Usually this ends up close to enough to bread shaped. Do any spices/toppings/pepper/salt you normally like.