Gonna need to stop looking at the internet cause its just white hot rage and wishing I could reach through the screen to savagely murder people and their entire families
I have Zionists in my family who are like “they were an uncivilized population until us Jews came in” and I’m like what THE FUCK, GRANDMA?!
Basically everyone to the left of the Dennis Prager generally agrees that murdering an entire continent of Native Americans was bad but that doesn’t stop liberals from using the exact fucking same goddamn talking points they used to justify that
fucking shit, liberals are the most historically illiterate people on the planet
Liberals retain the settler colonial mindset. They compartmentalize their alleged empathy for genocided indigenous peoples. It has no impact on what they actually materially do and support.
If an isolated Native American group killed a single cracker every liberal you know would be calling for finishing the genocide
It’s only in retrospect that they get with the picture, anything currently happening is completely guided by whatever imperialist propaganda wants it to be. It’s maddening lol
we are all going to die because these marvel brained dipshits got to take daddy’s gun
She’s a registered Democrat, by the way, if that meant anything at all
Scratch a liberal etc etc
ok grandma, time to go down the stairs
You’ve fallen and you can’t get up
Tell them to go to the front lines if they’re talking shit with no stake in the game
Then again it’s probably not the best idea to encourage these hitlerite freaks to be anywhere near Palestine
Just post the ‘ask no compassion from you’ quote at them and be done with it tbh. I’ve found that doing that has pretty much fully replaced sui baiting in my vocabulary as a more heart-of-the-matter way to express extreme but as-of-yet-unactionable rage
Can I see the quote please? Haven’t seen it before…
“We have no compassion and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.”
For context this was Marx writing in response to his paper being shut down by Prussian authorities. It was literally him being forced to log off. Adds the the epic quality
Remember the Reddit battalion in the early part of the Ukraine conflict?
honestly loved that, they all died in 3 months
Did nothing for 3 months and then died all at once
died as they lived
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It really is. It just goes to show you can meme things into existence with enough delusion
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I don’t want to argue, they aren’t worth argument, they’re worth a bullet. But everywhere I go theres a bloodthirsty sack of shit who no one has had the decency to execute yet
And you call OTHERS bloodthirsty sacks of shit? Selfawarewolves type shit here lmao
Folks, we love our beautiful admins, don’t we?
Oh look somebody pretending not to know the tolerance paradox.
Not tolerating bloodthirsty assholes calling for wiping out Palestinians actually does not make you as bad as the people who want to do genocide.
Because the only way fascism has ever been defeated is through violence, usually while libs are complaining about how that makes the people actually sacrificing and fighting fascists as bad as the fascists.
It’s because the white liberals are the fascists.
First time for everything
If you’ve run out of funny things to say to them it’s probably best to just disengage for a while.
That’s why I like to open with it and then not reply. One simple message
But have you considered that Palestinians are less progressive on LGBTQ issues?
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From the same people back in 2018 and you’re reading reddit comments about Putin and Trump.
internet strangers its whatever, youre not going to change their mind. but see libs i know in real life saying shit like “if youre pro Palestine youre just like Hitler” is fucking hilarious.
Those same libs who have spent the last week lecturing us on how people who volunteered for the ss are good because they’re fighting putler.
I have a LinkedIn account for work, which is obviously always filled with the most absolutely brain meltingly stupid shit, but today it’s a lot of weird stuff like “please reach out to your Jewish friends, they are NOT ok. If they cancel meetings just let them. Blah blah.” It’s like if somebody was repeatedly punching another person, then the second they get punched back they act completely shocked and hurt and can’t understand why it happened to them. It’s even weirder because not every Jewish person I know views Israel the same way.
To quote a Jewish friend: Equating Isntreal is with Judaism is deeply antisemitic.
That’s about as well as I’ve ever heard it put.
LinkedIn is a cesspit of bourgeois ideology… just like 90% of the mainstream internet, but LinkedIn especially since it explicitly exists for careerist self promotion and opportunism.
Exactly! I can’t fucking stand watching people post shit like “Wow what an incredible journey this has been, I’ve finally achieved my lifelong dream to get this role.” and they’re like a mid-level manager at Salesforce or something.
giving an oscar acceptance style speech on LinkedIn after I become assistant to the assistant manager at the local deli
I made the error of listening to the public radio for 1,2 minutes
I’m seething
I am losing my fucking mind at how racist some of these lemmy commenters are
For what it’s worth, you’re not alone. A lot of us feel the same white hot rage and have no idea what to do with it, can only lash out in a way that has no purpose. I don’t know how to fix it because I have the same issue, but I’d tell someone who isn’t me to step back a little for their own mental health.
No need to hold back comrade
Tell 'em to go and fight for Israel! Either they shut up or they go play
I mean if you’re not going to tell them that when they’re cheering on the genocide of the Palestinians, then when?
I meant that doing nothing but respond to horrific comments with “kill yourself” is exhausting and feels terrible and is making my brain melt. It’s not that they don’t deserve worse
I understand wanting to stay informed and wanting to tell those people to fuck off but please think of your mental wellbeing. At a certain point, you’re not defending a cause so much as you’re doing an act of digital self harm to yourself, even if you have good intentions
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