I have a Ship of PCeus thing going on with mine.
Love that. Commenting to remember. Got 2 of these, except the one is still in a case older than most of my children all of whom are now adults.
I’ve still got one with a shitty cyrix cpu, a 100 MB HDD and 256 MB RAM.
It runs dos, can play mp3s and has a Supaplex save where I beat all the levels except for two.
Nice, does it have a sound card, if so what kind?
Also I would definitely recommend getting an IDE to CF or an IDE to SD adapter and backing up the hard drive to an SD/CF card so you don’t lose that data.
I’m pretty sure it’s an old Soundblaster.
…and one thing I neglected to mention is that I no longer have an old enough monitor to go with it, so it’s been a while since I made sure it’s still runnning. Might be gone by now =/
Oh I see, yeah if it hasn’t been turned on in a while it might be gone, typically it’s stiction from not moving for a while that kills the drives.
Also pretty sure most VGA monitors will work, I use my 486 (also my Pentium 2) on a modern VGA monitor (actually a small LCD TV with a VGA input).
I haven’t had a monitor with a vga port for a long time now (ever since I decided the old crt one I had connected to this old monster was just too bulky). I’m keeping the PC though. It’s my first one (Theseus approved). Haven’t looked to see if any sort of convertor to vga input is remotely viable and it’s not really a priority.
The case is an old extra-tall full tower that doubles as a mouse table. It even sits under an L desk. I just prefer that height when leaning back in my chair.
Omg, after seeing your comment I realize that my 3 computers are older than my children.
I’m stealing this for my next build name.
At this point I replaced my oldest original hard drive. I rebuilt another computer using entirely the parts I replaced. Literal ship of Theseus dilemma right there lol.
If you count an old hard drive I’ve always had that going, easiest to use your old app drives any reinstalls may go more quickly plus any media files on there. Though my media is mostly on my NAS, pictures tend to be on a local drive. I’m not sure I’ve ever done a new computer without an old drive and I’ve been doing this for like 25 years. Though I tend to move the old files to a newer drive before the next upgrade so not a true ship of thesus. Though most times the GPU upgrade is done at different times than the CPU/mobo/ram to keep it cheaper.
Not the case, but I did this since I didn’t have the correct monitor stand
Not sure why it rotated my picture 90 degrees. But yes that is a 2x4 and yes those are zip ties
You’re my hero.
And the 90 degree image that’s not worth fixing because it still works just adds to the overall picture.
My wife gets visibly angry when she sees it. It’s fun.
Nice. My monitor stand is a cardboard box. It’s sagging already… time to find another box.
When I was single and moved awhile back I had a $500 gift card to walmart given to us by our company to help us out after a hurricane wrecked the area. I went on Sam’s website and ordered a bed, sheets and pillows. The box for the bed became my computer desk and the boxes for the pillows became my night stands. 5 gallon pickle bucket from a nearby restaurant became my computer chair. I used it like that for a year and a half… then someone came along and we upgraded some things. I looked at it as being poor and ♻️, but others don’t always see it thay way haha
What if I’ve been the second one for over 15 years but I finally got to build myself a whole brand new machine with flagship CPU and GPU?
Fuck RGB and glass panels, tho.
Lately been looking for a case for another build and wow, this tempered glass thing is way out of control.
It’s such fucking bullshit, when I built my first from scratch pc and wanted something utilitarian without glass panels my options were cheap Chinese garbage, tiny ITX/microATX case, Fractal Design, or overpriced designer garbage… I’m now all in on Fractal Design, everything I’ve built or recommended since has been Fractal Design.
Haha seriously. I’m also looking at Fractal.
What’s wrong with it? I like how it makes my PC look, and the screws hold it in securely.
I work on multimedia art installations so the PCs I build get transported and put in various places. Glass adds weight and is always in danger of shattering.
Edge to edge glass is a bit silly but having a window is nice to be able to see at a glance that fans and such are working normally.
I’m not against plexiglas/plastic windows, but real glass, even tempered, for me is a very potential broken panel.
And those who have their PC case on the floor can’t take much advantage of a transpatent panel to see the fans…
I think real is ok so long as it’s got a frame all around it. The single panels of glass seem like madness to me. I do prefer plexiglass personally. I also definitely have my pc on the floor and can see inside it at a glance. (Better than when I was briefly obliged to have it on my desk). It’s not stashed under the desk though TBF.
How well do those panels resist clumsy owners? I’m the kind of guy who always drops shit LTT style.
Afaik they’re not likely to shatter to bumps. It’s contact with something hard and sharp that’s the big issue.
It means you’re one year away from reverting back. But what a year it’ll be!
Reverting? Never.
It’ll happen to YOU
I don’t know anymore what are we exactly talking about…
I’ve self taught myself how to build and repair PCs since I was about 15-16, I got my first IT job at 19 and I still work in IT 15 years later, so this is my thing, it’s vocational, although now I work more in software than hardware.
IDK if you’re talking about running of money for a good build, getting tired of building my own computers or something else…
Just joking because it happened to me. I was finally able to make a current build with all the bells and whistles after years of being the bottom pic. Then it didn’t take long for the new PC to be a little outdated, and I reverted to making less sophisticated solutions to keep it current.
Ah, I see. I’ve always had PCs without top tier components and I’ve still used them for many years as is, by only upgrading to SSDs and installing higher capacity HDDs when the old ones died. For instance, half of my last PC since circa 2014 was half of giveaway parts with an Intel Quad CPU (not even i series), 8GB of RAM and a GTS250.
I hope that this one I built with flagship AMD CPU and GPU and 64GB or RAM remains as my main PC as long as its parts last, with minimal ugrades, if any. Although I have to admit that I chose the AM5 socket with upgradability in mind.
I usualy settle for little regarding computers but maybe now I get hooked up to running videogame at ultra settings, but I don’t even have o want a 4K display, so who knows. Time will tell.
Yes, I’m aware I’m doing a long serious reply to a joke, lol.
Edit: typos
It feels like specs haven’t been increasing lately as rapidly as they used to, so I bet yours will last for a good while.
Long serious replies to jokes are part of why I enjoy Lemmy, friend. Lol
I’m not really a fan of RGB and glass panels either to be honest, too flashy, I prefer simplier designs and cases.
PC builds aren’t all so polarized. I am in the middle, spent like $1500 on components and built it myself and it looks great and runs smoothly. Sure, it doesn’t run Cyberpunk on Psycho but it’s running Starfield very nicely and I didn’t even have to tape an AC unit to it.
I’d say I’m somewhere in the middle too. I also have this tendency to build high mid-tier as my budget allows then ride it for 7 years or so until the games I play start struggling. I just don’t have the money to keep up with the latest and greatest/upgrading every year.
…admittedly since Baldur’s Gate 3 came out I’ve been using my PC as a space heater so take that as you will…
This, but also it’s blacked out and in a plain ass case.
The desktop gaming PC that I have was a very nice PC like the one from the first panel but I got it as e-waste dirt cheap because the previous owner wanted to throw it away since it was 2 years old and he thought it was outdated. That’s absolutely insane and wasteful, I hope most people aren’t like this.
I did take it apart and redo it though in a much less flashy case, call me a heretic but I don’t really like LEDs and window cases I prefer a much simpler look. So I guess this one would be kind of like the second one, even though all the parts are very nice and new.
Though I did assemble my Pentium 2 and 486 PCs from scratch, kind of like the first one but I guess that doesn’t really count because they are almost all old parts (New soundcards though) and they’re retro gaming PCs.
To me the two types are the kind that have really good looking, color coordinated components and then myself who has a random assortment of totally mismatched components because they were the cheapest or best performing option.
Yes. I also occupy a different space than the options given. Meticulous research, putting together the best value (balancing cost and performance), not caring about visual appeal or setting any high benchmarks.
Definitely the bottom for me. All I care about is that it runs, can run whatever I want it to, and for games has more of a stable framerate. Looks definitely come second to functionality, if you ask me.
This is me as well. I grew up when PCs were just a beige box, utterly boring and uninspiring. The cool thing happened on the screen! My GPU has some LEDs and stuff but I only got it because it was cheaper than one without, and I still have a case without a window so whatever
Do you have the mouse mat with tits though? You gotta have that to qualify.
Wait, y’all use a mousepad? /s
I don’t since I don’t even have a mousepad at the moment.
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Wait why would she have a boobs mousepad thing?
Why not?
For a wrist cushion
No, they suck for comfort. It’s 100% the titties.
Honestly, I think I may have run into more women who have those then men. Or at least more willing to admit they have them lol
Girls can like boobs, too
I’ve a female friend who has one just because she thinks its hilarious.
Moob mousepads exist. I use an Arataji Itto one :3
I’ll go against the grain in the comments:
I’m the top one.
I hadn’t gamed in 20 years and this got me back into it. I wanted it all white. I never buy myself anything nice or new. And it was fun to learn how to build a PC. Don’t @ me.
No shame in that. It’s a fun experience to get really into building.
When turning on my computer from cold it doesn’t wake the primary monitor from standby. I need to turn it off, unplug the monitor, wake the monitor up from standby manually, start the computer and plug in the cable at the right time…
You tell me which one I am.
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That’s more cyberpunk than cyberpunk.
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You use duct tape for SSD? I usually just leave them hanging from the wires…
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Lol my ssd’s are just hanging out of the case by their sata cables. I’m missing some hardware so its just guts-out until I find that ziplock bag full of screws (i remember seeing it a couple years ago). my wrist is killing me tho, that ergo mouse pad makes a lot of sense.
I’m missing some hardware so its just guts-out until I find that ziplock bag full of screws (i remember seeing it a couple years ago).
Skimming this I read you as saying the whole machine was in a bag and now I’m like, “Yeah, what if one built a PC in bag-like shape?”
My 6900XT doesn’t fit in my 8 year old case and the cover has been off for 2 years now :)
There’s a rattle from one of the case fans I need to fix, but it disappears when under load, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I figured out a long time ago that making the PC pretty is useless
I’ve been building PCs since the beige era. Mine have never been pretty.
Are you asking me if I’m a top or a bottom?
fukin lmao