Joe Rogan is a fucking moron, this is a big win for Canada.
And therefore, the world.
I wish a bunch of the population recognized this. Pointing out where he lies, or at least acts like a useful idiot, or misrepresents things through multiple linguistic quirks, will get you digitally raked over the coals.
Rogan is such a little cuck. I bet he dreams about getting tag teamed by Donald and Elon. He wants those orange fat rolls and Donald’s diaper / shit / talcum-powder smelling flaccid cock ramming him in the face while Elon grinds into him from behind with his cybertruck body and broken, malfunctioning penis.
Americans in general are such cowardly little bootlickers. They show off their big trucks and guns and pretend to be baddy “alpha males” then they get on the knees for Israel and Russia or any kind of genocidal regime that shows themselves to be in same league of sadism, decadence, and buffoonery.
That… was some vivid visual imagery you described with your words. I need a shower. Maybe two.
Wait, before you do – feed that guys statement into an image generating AI. May as well get really really dirty before you get clean.
Right? I need mind bleach, now.
You can join Steven seagull in russia
They both sit at work and pretend REALLY HARD to be badass. They should hit it off.
Joe Rogan is a fucking idiot who has done irreparable harm to millions of young men in this country, but… his MMA and BJJ credentials are legit. He would destroy Segall.
I used to be a big MMA fan back in the day (way before Rogan’s shift right), and it was incredibly impressive how good he was at calling the fights. Specifically on the ground, he would often correctly predict the submission a fighter was going for like sometimes 30s before they did it. He could just tell by the positioning.
Sucks that he’s a fucking fascist now.
Pretty sure he stopped competing in any kind of martial arts long ago, and that was only ever Tae Kwon do. I’m sure he trains hard but seagull was a legitimate practitioner too and over a foot taller. Neither one would do much competing in the wild against anybody who wasn’t paid to lose to them now. Joe does love sharing that video of him kicking a bag hard though.
Joe did a lot of BJJ, not just Tae Kwan Do
Yes he has trained lots. And lots. And lots. And long ago discovered he doesn’t like to get hit. And that his biggest fear is losing so he does everything in his power to avoid any situation where he’s not in a safe space.
Watch some of the stuff Segall has done in the past decade. He gets winded standing up. Or rather don’t -he’s basically Rogan in 10-20 years, physically and mentally.
I don’t want to defend seagull in anyway. But Rogan stopped competing decades ago, as soon as he realized he wasn’t very good at anything but commenting on other people. He’s a paper tiger with a fragile ego. Any situation he’s in has to be totally in his control, including something as dumb as an arm wrestle with a subordinate or a “free speech” comedy club that has more security than the Pentagon. Epitome of a paper tiger.
How much exactly do you think Joe Rogan knows about the government of Canada? Pretty sure it’s around fuck all. He’s just a propagandist for the fascist regime at this point.
What’s crazy is how outright pro-Trump pilled the Canadian right was until about three months ago when Trump took office. You had the Conservative party outright bragging about being Pro-Trump, Trudeau floundering in the polls because of his criticisms of the Trump leadership team, and big oil-exporting states absolutely glowing at the prospect of a climate denialist government joining hands with them in the next election.
Then Trump took office and started threatening sanctions, he started accusing Canadians of exporting fentanyl, and he started making vague threats aimed at Canadian territory. Public sentiment turned on a dime. The Conservative Party crashed in the polls. Trudeau’s liberals surged. Canadian media and politics turned incredibly hostile towards anyone Trump affiliated.
And now guys like Rogan are just catching strays for being Trump adjacent. He doesn’t know anything about Canada. He just knows his (increasingly former) Canadian base is suddenly calling him all the slurs they’d historically reserved for his left-wing guests.
I recall shortly back a lot of us Canadians talked about leaving the monarch, but we seem to have gotten over that in a hurry also. 😉
People’s opinions change very quick now.
Yeah. It turns out there are much nastier heads of state out there than good ol Charles III.
I still think we should leave the monarchy, but it’s pretty low on my list of priorities.
I think it’s just the propaganda machine being efficient. All the major social media platforms are owned by billionaires (except blue sky but not sure there’s nearly as many users compared to twit/meta/reddit) and they’re manipulated to push the interests of the elites.
Funny how their candidate is PP
Joe Rogan became convinced Trudeau was a dictator because of COVID restrictions.
Like they say aboht him, knowledge a mile wide, and only an inch deep. He has been defending women beaters, rapists and anti intellectualism before he became an actual tool of the new regime.
A mile wide my ass, fucker had an empty head even before he started farming concussions.
Whatever Fox News tells him about Canada is what he “knows” about Canada.
How much do you think Rogain actually knows…full stop…about any subject?
He knows lots about MMA… and that’s about it.
And getting people to eat worms
That might be a more useful skill in the future than you think
He may have forgotten much of it after getting hit in the head too many times
He made his debut in RADIO then fear factor
Has been for a while. Rogan is a piece of shit.
Most of it will come from Jordan Peterson with his twisted, drug addled take. I think it goes back to his News Radio days from Dave Foley’s horror stories about his divorce however many decades ago that was. You just know Rogan’s wife is locked into an iron clad contract. Don’t nobody mess with Joe’s roll.
Definitely got it from Peterson. Rogan has called Canada “communist” and claimed that people are being imprisoned here for posting criticism of “wokeness” on the Internet. Both of those claims echo Peterson’s idiocy, but the second one in particular is pretty much guaranteed to be straight from his mouth as it’s the exact “compelled speech” bullshit that earned him much of his early notoriety and, as far as I know, hasn’t really picked up traction with other alt-reich talking heads.
Peterson brain damage was from getting a coma in RUSsia because he wasn’t man enough to go through benzo withdrawals the healthy way.
Foley got fucked hard in his divorce. Thankfully he ended up getting back together with that ex after his coma. He was out long enough to get over his alcoholism which was the driving factor in his dovorce.
No kidding. Interesting, thanks for sharing.
If you asked him who the PM of Canada is , I guarantee you he says Trudeau.
I suspect he’d say Jean Poutine.
How much exactly do you think Joe Rogan knows about the government of Canada?
Complete and total audience captured.
I too hope he goes to Russia, specifically a remote part of Siberia with no internet where he never leaves
I too would prefer he go to Russia than come here.
Yeah. Don’t threaten me with a good time, Joe.
Good. And stay out, you yapping scrotum.
thanks for staying home moron.
rogan is a stupid person’s idea of a smart guy.
rogan himself used to admit he was a dumb guy with laymans opinions, the problem was other dumb people saw him as a messiah and started taking his shit-take water cooler opinions as smart, and then he started thinking his opinions were correct.
“Why are we upset at Canada? This is stupid, this over tariffs,” Rogan said during the March 14 episode of his popular podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, while conversing with comedian Michael Kosta.
This was only a couple of days ago! He really changes positions as the wind blows
Huge W for Canada.
off topic but I wonder where that radar picture came from that it has the canary islands on them 😅
Probably somewhere near the canary islands.
I don’t have an answer for you, but i did a reverse google search and this 18-year-old match was the oldest result i could find. My guess is its from a video game?
Jurassic Park.
I don’t know but sounds good.
Wow hes really licked trumps boot. Pathetic.
Does he need someone to help him book a plane ticket to Russia?
Jamie can do it…
Who’s that
I think that’s his producer/co-host. In a few clips I’ve seen her asks him to pull up websites or clips or whatever.
Good point. We should help him move. I’ll chip in.
He’ll probably just use AirForceОдин for free
All the better
Why? Isn’t it cheaper if we piggyback on an existing shipping crate on a ship?
He can go keep Steven seagull company
I hope Canada realizes how lucky they are. It seems this parasite will never leave.
Please keep telling him we’re worse than Russia.
(Isn’t “I’d rather go to Russia” still an admission that Russia’s not someplace he’d want to be? How will his handlers take this??)
I have yet to actually hear a conservative explain specifically what they find so detestable about Canada.
Your sovereignty