Being willing to have kids even though you don’t want them is not a cure to being alone. Just put in the time to find a partner who also doesn’t want kids. Making major commitments to try to please others out of fear is only going to breed resentment.
I spent a long time convinced I was going to end up alone. When I resolved to enjoy the connections I had for as long as they were enjoyable instead of trying to hold onto things past their time is when I found a long term partner. Neither of us had to compromise on our long term dreams or outlook so there is very little personal conflict or resentment between us that could break us up.
I still could end up alone and there’s a decent chance of it but I’ll deal with that when/if it happens.
Being willing to have kids even though you don’t want them is not a cure to being alone. Just put in the time to find a partner who also doesn’t want kids. Making major commitments to try to please others out of fear is only going to breed resentment.
I spent a long time convinced I was going to end up alone. When I resolved to enjoy the connections I had for as long as they were enjoyable instead of trying to hold onto things past their time is when I found a long term partner. Neither of us had to compromise on our long term dreams or outlook so there is very little personal conflict or resentment between us that could break us up.
I still could end up alone and there’s a decent chance of it but I’ll deal with that when/if it happens.
Why is that? Are you having troubles in your relationship?
No but people die.
Most people go trough several partners before sticking with what they have. The first, second or even third match likely won’t be the last