After he withdrew from the last one and while acting even crazier than the first time. I’m sure Iran will be tripping over themselves to agree.
Right. Trump’s “art of the deal” is to make a deal, then renege.
After Ukraine, the value of deals offered by the US is less than nothing.
I’m all for more nuclear deals. I like knowing how I’m going to go. Nuclear fire doesn’t seem like the worst way.
I think surviving it would be much worse.
I know I’m in the minority, being less afraid of a Nuclear-armed Iran and/or North Korea than the sheer idiocy and malice of US foreign policy, since '98 or so, but it blows my mind more and more how people just can’t see it.
An invasion takes millions of lives, full-stop. There’s no way either country gets enough ICBM’s in the air to offset their entire territories being turned into glass parking lots. The cost-benefits ratio for both sides in all this posturing only makes sense if there’s a shared goal to keep their dictators in power.