Yes, IIRC… Kronos swallowed a bunch of his children, except Zeus, whom Kronos’ wife Rhea hid from him… and provided Kronos a stone in the swaddling of a baby, which Kronos believed was Zeus, and swallowed that instead.
Then Zeus grows up in the wilderness with… some kind of entity aiding him, different versions of the story vary.
Grown up Zeus eventually gives Kronos a chalice of… magic poison, basically, and then Kronos vomits up all of his previously swallowed children… who are all basically fully functional adults now.
Fun fact: we don’t know that painting was actually depicting “saturn devouring his son” it was found painted on a basement wall when Goya passed and they named it that and just really really hoped it wasn’t a pickman’s model situation
… I can’t think of a Hera story off the top of my head.
I… think Athena erupted out of Zeus’ forehead… for some reason, and that’s how she was born…
Uh… ok I am apparently kind of wrong?
Saturn is … apparently the Roman name for Kronos… and Juno is the Roman name for Hera… but at some point in history, Saturn started to be used to refer to… Hera, sometimes, by some people?
Somebody summon a classics major, I’m out of my element.
Anyway, this is probably the painting you are thinking of:
damn imagine being eaten by your father because your mom hid you from him, the same happening to almost all your brothers, and you just grow up inside your father with your brothers
and then after many years the one brother who wasnt eaten makes you and the rest of your brothers be vomited out
I thought Hephaestus split Zeus’ head open to release (a fully grown and armored) Athena, who has been hammering in his head building the armor and causing him terrible headaches.
Don’t forget about the ones he ate…
Wasn’t that Kronos, his father?
Yes, IIRC… Kronos swallowed a bunch of his children, except Zeus, whom Kronos’ wife Rhea hid from him… and provided Kronos a stone in the swaddling of a baby, which Kronos believed was Zeus, and swallowed that instead.
Then Zeus grows up in the wilderness with… some kind of entity aiding him, different versions of the story vary.
Grown up Zeus eventually gives Kronos a chalice of… magic poison, basically, and then Kronos vomits up all of his previously swallowed children… who are all basically fully functional adults now.
I’m definitely wrong. I was thinking of a painting, which is actually of Saturn. I think the myths are similar, but I’m not as familiar with them.
Fun fact: we don’t know that painting was actually depicting “saturn devouring his son” it was found painted on a basement wall when Goya passed and they named it that and just really really hoped it wasn’t a pickman’s model situation
Totally forgot about that story.
Saturn is… Hera, I think?
Zeus’ wife, whom he constantly cheats on.
Zeus = Jupiter Hera = Saturn
… I can’t think of a Hera story off the top of my head.
I… think Athena erupted out of Zeus’ forehead… for some reason, and that’s how she was born…
Uh… ok I am apparently kind of wrong?
Saturn is … apparently the Roman name for Kronos… and Juno is the Roman name for Hera… but at some point in history, Saturn started to be used to refer to… Hera, sometimes, by some people?
Somebody summon a classics major, I’m out of my element.
Anyway, this is probably the painting you are thinking of:
In this painting, Saturn = Kronos.
Saturn is cronus
damn imagine being eaten by your father because your mom hid you from him, the same happening to almost all your brothers, and you just grow up inside your father with your brothers
and then after many years the one brother who wasnt eaten makes you and the rest of your brothers be vomited out
Mainly yes, but Zeus also ate pregnant Metis. Athena was born inside him and cut his forehead to get out.
I thought Hephaestus split Zeus’ head open to release (a fully grown and armored) Athena, who has been hammering in his head building the armor and causing him terrible headaches.
That’s one way to resolve your father issues
Patron god of recycling!