If they can get some kind of special status like the UK had it would make sense, simply because there’s no tariffs inside EU borders and free travel and probably some other stuff.
It’s not that far, it looks further on the map due to the map projection. A flight takes 6-7 hours from Ottowa to the UK and with the opening of the Bearing Strait sea lane it’ll become feasible to ship non-perishable goods from Canada to EU and back from both sides of the Canada.
The criteria as set out in the treaties is to be “a European country”, what “European” means has been deliberately left open. Geography is at best a secondary factor.
I’m all for closer ties with the EU but it doesn’t make sense to join the union due to simple geography.
Eurovision Song Contest laughs at your petti geography.
Vatican City: could participate but does not.
If they can get some kind of special status like the UK had it would make sense, simply because there’s no tariffs inside EU borders and free travel and probably some other stuff.
It’s not that far, it looks further on the map due to the map projection. A flight takes 6-7 hours from Ottowa to the UK and with the opening of the Bearing Strait sea lane it’ll become feasible to ship non-perishable goods from Canada to EU and back from both sides of the Canada.
The criteria as set out in the treaties is to be “a European country”, what “European” means has been deliberately left open. Geography is at best a secondary factor.