This is something very common in stocks. In a bear market it is called a “dead cat bounce”. Most probably it will go back to keep falling in a few days, if not tomorrow, unless the trend changes which would be very surprising to me.
A sudden, sharp decline is also called a ‘falling knife’, particularly due to how it looks in a box plot, somewhat resembling a bloody dagger.
So… when the market in general tries to ‘catch’ a ‘falling knife’… this produces a ‘dead cat bounce’ if the market at least temporarily makes the price actually rebound a bit.
So… to … mix terminology… I guess you catch a falling knife by bouncing a cat off the floor, which goes upward, catches the knife, kills the cat, and then the dead cat with the knife in it collapses through the broken floor.
Hooray daytrader terminology.
it is called a “dead cat bounce”.
Because everything will bounce if you slam it down hard enough. Not the nicest term though
At some point it becomes more of a splatter tho, depending on momentum.
I don’t think this ‘term’ exists, but I hereby propose we call a downward, stairstep series of dead, splattered cat bounces, a ‘bear feast’.
Pretty easy to understand, someone bought the dip. Keep pushing down.
The sitting president just did an ad for them in front of the white house. It might rise a little from that, but I would expect the larger downward trend to continue because of the growing anti-Musk sentiment across the country.
You expected the market to suddenly behave rationally and value a company according to actual value? First time?
Too short maybe
Something happened behind the scenes during that White House event.
can you elaborate?
Stock price has nothing to do with reality. Even when the stock price goes up or down coinciding with profits going up and down, it’s just that – a coincidence. Many times you’ll see amazing earnings and the stock will drop because “it’s priced in” (it’s always priced in except when it’s not) or “future outlook didn’t look good” (unlike the amazing outlook of tesla which is promising robots and robotaxis and other vaporware).
Their Q1 earnings report comes out next month, so that’ll be interesting at least. Don’t expect market reactions to be logical. It may seem to go up or down appropriately, but the primary mover is not reality.
So even though the value is dropping, it could mean it’s much higher or lower?
Even if tesla’s sales tank and their profits turn into heavy losses, they can still be valued more than all the other automotive companies. The excuse could be because “tesla is more than just an automotive company” but after a decade of not delivering on full self-driving like promised, you’d think investors would understand that musk is full of it.
There is some suspicious activity in Canada:
Look at what happened to the stock on Feb 11, it dropped, came back up for a few days, then dropped again. That could be repeating.
Stock isn’t about how much a company is worth, it’s how much investors and stockholders think its worth (especially in the future).
Show an ad or make a policy change and enough people saying we are so back will uptick valuation. Making a controversial change will decrease it. Anytime leadership potions are changed, the new CEO/etc is evaluated for stockholders guessing if they’re a good choice or a bad one.
Trump bump
Don’t worry. That three-month long slide down has had a couple of days of reversal here and there. That’s just the nature of rich folk casinos.
In general, huge downward trends are a great way for investors to make lots of money.
Buy when lowest, wait, profit. Easy.
I would not be surprised if some huge Tesla fan actually caused the panic to drop the prices in the first place, in order to buy the stocks cheaper for themselves.
Let’s hope not. Elbow is way to sentimental for that to be true. Or he doesn’t know about it.