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theft and technology, i would say.
I would be a bit more careful about only listening to previous empirical data. Not everything can be extrapolated from the past.
There is the story of the cock:
A rooster wakes up every morning and crows, for a 1000 days in a row. The rooster observes this and, as a consequence, believes himself to be invincible. “Until now, i have always waken up the next day in the morning.”
But the rooster, is not invincible, neither is he immortal. In fact, quite the opposite.
Also, this XKCD:
From the article in your link:
The U.S. Treasury, GSA, OPM, USAID, USDS, NOAA, and more, and counting. These are not unclassified networks that deal with unclassified information, though even the unclassified parts deal with sensitive information. These systems are among the highest-value targets in the world by foreign threat actors.
Aha, so USAID is among the highest-value targets in the world by foreign threat actors.
And i was led to believe they feed starving babies and stuff?
I’m torn about this. On the one side, i support (a low level of) import tariffs in general, but on the other hand, the only reasonable exception i see to this is in minerals, because they are non-uniformously geographically distributed, and sometimes can only be sourced from abroad.
Then again, steel and aluminum are made from minerals which are so incredibly wide-spread, that it probably makes no difference to implement tariffs on them, because they can be sourced from every country, including your own.
yeah, i don’t have SSL yet. just click “advanced > continue anyways” in most browsers.
Well, i was already holding my opinion before this 4chan post; this just gave me opportunity to formulate it.
However, it is important to note that many people say “people should read more books” without in any way, implicit or explicit specifying which books to read.
There are a lot of people saying “they’re gonna educate themselves through youtube”, but in the end, not all youtube videos that seem to have good content, actually have good content. There’s a lot of videos containing pseudo-clever thoughts, that lead people to believe they have learned something, while actually, they haven’t. And the people often even pay/donate for it. That is my consideration.
It is the same with books: By reading “books”, people are often caught in reading not-actually-all-that-great books, like all (or most of) the modern stuff, and that does not help anyone.
Thank you for your well-formulated argument.
However, i’m worried that it does not actually work that way. It is short-sighted and ignores second-round consequences.
For example, first of all, where do all these savings go to? They go to the rich, making the poor poorer. As such, if the government goes into debt instead of taxing the rich, it actually contributed through its inaction to make the poor poorer. The government should tax the rich instead of printing more money.
Secondly, if the government does print more money to rid itself of its debt (as you have rightfully suggested), that leads to hyperinflation, which mostly tolls the poor, because they have more difficulty stabilizing in a shaking environment that the big companies.
Thirdly, probably the government can print lots of money once to rid itself of the debt, but it can only do so once. Because once it has done so, people will assume “money has no value anyway, if it can just lose all its meaning overnight”, and stop considering that money as valuable in the first place. Therefore, that is the end of paper money. What do you do then?
“money” comes from the people’s belief that it has value.
Win2Linux project that i’m working on. It should be an official part of KDE Eco initiative soon, if there’s no unexpected problems coming up. I’m running it on my private server for testing. It does not collect any information. Give me feedback on the design…
I already got that the font size is a little bit too large. Oh and some links don’t work yet.
are we still in the “the state should just go further into debt to pay for infrastructure” or already in the “fuck, that was a big mistake, what do we do with all that debt now?” stage? i can’t tell anymore.
I’m not spreading anyone’s propaganda, if that’s what you’re saying.
I never said they were at fault for their own prosecution. That would be stupid to think.
I don’t actually know, and maybe the Jews were the good guys and unfairly used as a scapegoat for the problems at the time, or maybe not, i was not there, i have no way to tell. I only mentioned that they did own a lot of wealth, which I think can be objectively verified. That does not make them in any way inferior people though, not at all. I am not one of the “eat the rich” people that despises people simply because they are rich. Not at all. In fact, i highly admire jewish culture. I was merely trying to lay out an explanation. There can be no discussion when there is no hypothesis. No need to react so butthurt. Now, cheers!
I think it comes down to the definition of democracy. I read somewhere, that while universally understood, democracy is actually surprisingly difficult to define. It’s not just about the votes.
It’s also about having good and solid news, education, and being reasonable (instead of being egoistic).
Now, these are all qualities that are favored in a system that is targeted towards growth. When you need to build a city, you need to be reasonable, make good assessments, be educated, and communicate clearly, to be able to pull it off. In the absence of these demands, these skills would crumble and vanish. That is why a democracy is surprisingly difficult to sustain when there’s no economic drivers behind it. That is, in short, my argument.
Yeah well the US might have been founded as a colonial nation, but that doesn’t mean it has to stay that way forever.
Similar to how when there’s a new virus around, you might fall sick once or twice, but you’re expected to eventually recover and develop immunity to this particular virus. Similarly, the US immigrant population has literally overrun the country 300 years ago, but that does not mean that the mindset and the attitudes of that times are expected to stay around forever. Because honestly, they are a disease in many ways, if one considers many of the symptoms and side-effects.
Democracy is inherently tied to progress.
For a more elaborate explanation, see below.
I am considering that progress on Earth is slowing down or halting long-term, and only continued progress could sustain Democracy.
Democracy is tied to progress because progress creates demand for workers, and as such gives them a say in the direction things go. Progress is what “free people can do” or sth. Without progress, there is neither a demand for workers or freedom, and both are at risk.
The way i understood it was that at the time Jews did own a lot of wealth, much more than other people, and saw themselves as some kind of “better” or “elite” class. Many people did not like that, and that is the major reason why it was so easy for Hitler to find a lot of people to follow him.
Democracy is inherently tied to progress.
I’m considering that progress on Earth will slow down or come to a halt in the long-term, thus taking away Democracy with it.
I believe that Space Flight is the only viable option for long-term progress, and that it will bring Democracy with it. That is actually the major reason why i’m looking forward to Mars Settlement projects.
A lot of people really have difficulty with maths and programming.
The way i imagine it, programming is something non-real, something metaphysical, or how you want to call it. And a lot of people even plainly reject that such a thing meaningfully exists. Think about how many people reject the existence of “spirits”, “demons”, or “god”, based on nothing else but the argument that it is not tangible. Something similar is going on with maths and programming.
I always thought it was about power. Maintaining power structures requires a clear dividing line, somewhere. The line between women and men is artificially upheld, to create the illusion that there’s “naturally two categories in everything”. If people got the idea that you could “transition”, that would overthrow a whole lot of the artificial divides that we have in our society today.
truly the XKCD of social criticism.