Nate Vance, a former U.S. Marine and cousin of JD Vance, criticized the Trump administration’s treatment of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
After volunteering to fight for Ukraine in 2022, he condemned his cousin and Trump for “ambushing” Zelensky and pausing military aid.
He expressed disappointment that JD Vance never sought his perspective on the war.
The administration’s stance has sparked concerns over its alignment with Russia.
I expect Trump will respond by insulting the Marine Corps and not lose a single voter.
Will we ever see the breaking point of conservatives’ support for Trump? Trump can kick them in the balls and thank him if he says “MAGA”.
Trump can kick them in the balls and they’ll straight face blame Biden.
“It’s because of Biden that your testes hurt now, I didn’t want to kick them. There should have been ball kicking from the beginning, you know it’s a very, really very important thing for our nation’s egg prices and wellbeing, and you know the liberal dictators and DEI enforcers, they said ‘Why—’ yes, I know, really, they said it, ‘Why should we have to kick people in the gonads? Why don’t we just give transgendered abortions to everyone who needs a ball kicking, on the taxpayer dollar,’ and honest to God this is what they told me, honest to God. Can you believe it? They thought they would get away with it, it’s unbelievable, it destroyed America, the lack of ball kicking, really, look it up, it’s all there. So yes, maybe, it’s going to hurt for a while, maybe a few weeks or years—it depends on, well, there’s a lot of very good, very good reasons that really smart people have known for a while, but the Biden DEI squad didn’t want to talk about it. And there will probably be other kinds of pain to come, maybe some worse than ball kicking, some small pains here and there, and you might be thinking ‘How did it ever get this bad?’ But it’s all Biden, you can check the DOGE numbers if you don’t believe me, and he brainwashed all of America, it’s a disaster. But now we have a good ball kicking plan, the best plan really, and this is how America got great, and how we make America great again.”
Wow that’s quite a convincing argument. Looking forward to ball-kicking for America.
Did you take an actual Trump speech and replace the original topic with ball kicking? Because that was spot on.
This speech stayed on topic for an entire seven sentences, Trump hasn’t been this coherent since 2014.
Nope, just the product of too much time at the beginning of my day and an unfortunate familiarity with his variety of bullshit.
Maybe all is simple: they don’t actually care about Trump or Maga, they just love being kicked in the balls?
I’m not gonna kink shame. They can enjoy what they enjoy, but it’s bullshit to force us to be a part of it.
My hope was we would see a slow shift after he was out of office like with Bush, but now I’m convinced he’ll be the next Reagan. Decades from now we’ll still be feeling the consequences while they talk about how he was the last great president who you could really trust.
Trump can kick them in the balls
Are we absolutely sure he can raise his legs that far?
The person is laying down. Bam. Problem solved.
Are you kidding? Marines love it when a person of higher rank insults them. His vote share will go up.
He’s done worse and the military still votes for him. Tbf soldiers and anyone who is willing to die for their government is an idiot
Imagine a family member of yourself is currently fighting in a war, you’re being vocal about said war, but you’re actively ignoring said family member.
That looks pretty cruel to me.
Let’s not forget that with this administration, the cruelty is the point. I thought the guy was shitty before, this just keeps reinforcing it.
It’s probably because he doesn’t care to dig into an issue any further than what fits the current narrative that he’s pushing, which should be a disqualifying trait for anyone holding an office this high.
I mean it’s his cousin…he probably had to punch J.D. at some point in their lives to protect his sister from that weirdo^^
Sisters Couch*
TIL J.D. Vance is related to a couch
Next time activists see him and his kids they should ask him why he wants his cousin to die in Ukraine…
Nate Vance fights tyranny abroad while JD enables it at home—family reunions must be awkward.
Death to the Trump administration.
If you watch the dynamic of the video, Vance was there to show he could do it on the big stage. Trump was the boss there watching and trying not to jump in until he felt Vance lost the thread.
That’s a great thing to do, as a boss, for matters of middling importance. Not so great when you’re both fucking morons and are risking a global conflict.
Idiots here are going to attack me but i’m gonna pointing it out anyway: “former US marine drawn to Ukraine by curiosity and a sense of adventure but also felt a strong urge to help” doesn’t sound like a good preamble to me
I hope he’s a genuine guy and didn’t go there just to shoot at somebody and fulfill their military training like many others have done.
If Trump is a Russian asset, how was he allowed to run for his first term? Various agencies must have known.
It was known.
It was said.
It was shouted.
Drums were beaten.
There was attempt to save face and in so doing we didn’t shine the full light of sanitation on the issue and here we are.
You believe that the accusation then and now were true and that everybody knew but nobody in the position of power prevented the takeover?
Why is the focus on Trump then and not everybody else?
To me it’s easier to believe that this is drama to distract from changes that are in a way necessary but unpopular.
I believe that there has been a concerted and deliberate effort to condense the powers into the executive branch for some time and that there is a significant portion of this country that would shit in their own mouths just so they could make you smell their bad breath and as such we’re down for Trump et al to shit in their mouths so we could smell the stench.
It was damn near spelled out in live tv that there was evidence to corroborate that BUT it wasn’t their place to make the claim. Those who followed our laws and executed their duty to uphold it were overruled by those who didn’t give a fuck.
Nothing those twatwaffles are doing is “necessary”.
What’s your opinion of Yanis Varoufakis’ explanation for the tariffs?
Shut up!
I imagine it’s a combination of not wanting to reveal sources and mechanisms for acquiring intelligence, needing to follow due process, unwillingness to show federal agencies interfering with a federal election, as well as a certain amount of fascism within the agencies involved.
Add to that the previously common assumption that “it can’t happen here.”
The real question is, why did the Biden administration not recognize the existential threat in letting them try again?
The real question is, why did the Biden administration not recognize the existential threat in letting them try again?
They did. And people were trying to warn everyone about this pretty much since Trump left office last time. Two problems. One is that people just didn’t listen or didn’t care. Especially his base. Trump could have ran Putin himself as VP and his base still would’ve voted for him. All the warnings in the world wouldn’t have done jack shit.
The other problem is that, especially as the incumbent running for re-election, Biden can only say and do so much before giving off the appearance that he is using his position of authority to attack political rivals and interfere in elections. I’m not even saying he’d be wrong per se, but using a position of authority to make those accusations and have someone prosecuted, jailed, and/or disqualified from running is a common tactic in authoritarian regimes, and people absolutely would be making those comparisons, likening Biden to a wannabe-dictator trying to hang onto power. Trump absolutely would have latched onto that with a deathgrip, and given the political environment we’re living in, he could have easily won by an even bigger margin than he did on the backs of people saying that Biden overstepped his authority by trying to have Trump disqualified based on what would be perceived as wild accusations and conspiracy theories.
And when it comes to political campaigns, perception is typically far more important than reality. Doesn’t matter how true the accusations are. It would come off as a Biden conspiracy theory to try to have a political rival disqualfied, which most Americans are dead set against.
Two problems. One is that people just didn’t listen or didn’t care. Especially his base.
Was the Trump Base running the DOJ between 2021 and 2025? Was it running the FBI back in 2016? Why did Trump’s criminal prosecution happen in New York County Court rather than a Federal District Court? And why didn’t that court deliver a penalty as part of the verdict against him? Were Alvin Bragg and Juan Merchan part of the Trump base? Was AG Merrick Garland?
Trump could have ran Putin himself as VP and his base still would’ve voted for him.
You don’t think staunch evangelical stalwart Mike Pence and shameless Peter Thiel bagman JD Vance brought anything to the Trump ticket in '16 and '24 respectively?
Biden can only say and do so much before giving off the appearance that he is using his position of authority to attack political rivals and interfere in elections.
Love to call Donald Trump a treasonous crook guilty of 91 different crimes and needing a good long stay in federal prison along with a stiff fine amount to his entire personal fortune, because of all the evil things he’s done.
But then turn around and say “There’s literally nothing I can do - as The President of the United States of America - to protect you from an American in America flagrantly doing crimes against his neighbors, because that guy is running for President and I wouldn’t want to look biased against him.”
I’ll posit you this. By not actually prosecuting Donald on day one of his administration, the Biden Administration gave off the appearance of using his presidential campaign to slander the incumbent with false rumors and baseless accusations.
Because if you say all this gnarly shit about a man and build up this entire case for their removal from office, then step into the Chief Executive’s Office and announce “Lolz, jk! Nothing to prosecute!” it looks like the guy you were badmouthing was actually not guilty of any crimes. If he was guilty, you’d have prosecuted him, you’d have won the case, and you’d have put him in jail. But you didn’t do that. So why would anyone believe your VP when she started in on the same shit four years later?
With lavish support from American donors and a fanatical base of nativist white nationalists to carry him across the finish line.
Americans simply do not want to believe that Trump is the product of American money and American ideology. It always has to be the Evil Outsider who caused the problems. COVID is a Chinese Disease. Low wages and high unemployment are the result of Latin American migrants working here illegally. Our national deficit is the result of (((Globalist Bankers))) tricking us into giving away too much Foreign Aid. And now even the popularly elected President is the product of an Evil Russian tricking the sweet, innocent baby-faced Mark Zuckerberg into posting right wing memes on the reactionary social media website.
Nothing is America’s fault. We were forced into electing Donald. Twice. The Evil Foreigners are just that powerful.
But her emails!