It’s a corny joke
Somehow, pineapple on pizza was created in the global pineapple capital that is Ontario, Canada.
And named after a US state (or was it a territory back then?) that’s furthest from Canada.
I will happily shake hands with a pineapple-on-pizza-er, if it means we can make sure this evil never hurts anyone ever again.
I’ll wash my hands afterward, but it’s the gesture that counts, right?
(pls wash your hands anyway, sanitation rulez)
Just like Liberals and Communists in WWII.
Edit: Did the Allies not cooperate with the Soviets to defeat the Axis Powers, or am I way off base here?
I actually did this once and there’s a reason I only did it the one time. Ruined a perfectly good cheese pizza.
Thanks for commenting here. I’m glad you were finally able to rehabilitate your way out of prison.
spreads nutella shit all over it
Why are you the way that you are?
I bet that’s hilarious. I’ll have to look it up.
Yummyyy 😋😋😋
You are the 10th Dentist.
cheese cake.
Your birthday parties must be wild.
I don’t know what the pineapple lovers are eating but it ain’t pizza.
Are you really going to take a shot at pineapple while this monstrosity runs amok?
One can only imagine the horrors that goes through the mind that thought this up.
Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.
Still better than normal corn on pizza
Debatable, but at least we agree that neither belongs.
Not sure if Iv seen this one before. I know Iv seen a few pineapple non pineapple eaters unite post before. Usually its something unusal for pizza, but I would totally try.
This looks gross tho. Like enjoy that if you want but i aint even trying that one.
I think that’s wise.
Are those pills?
It’s candy corn.
I assume that it’s a US only product that’s therefore meaningless to 96% of the world population.
Could be, just trying to help identify for other people to google or whatever
Yeah, buddy, they’re just pills. Pay them no mind. Now cover your ears.
[Nobody tell them. Imagine having the innocence back of not knowing the horrors]
That would taste better lol
Anyone who willingly eats candy corn is 100% a serial killer and will murder you at the earliest chance.
Candy corn is fine. It’s not great, but it’s fine. Far from the worst candy out there.
Putting it on pizza, however, is a war crime.
Idk, candy corn is pretty far down the tier list for candy.
King size Snickers FTW.
I’m not disagreeing with that, but you can do so much worse.
Case in point: Good and Plenty, and black licorice in general. I’m not saying you can’t acquire a taste for either, certainly someone is eating them, but why would you want to? Candy corn is just kind of waxy and sweet, like a non-chocolate tootsie roll.
But tootsie rolls have a ton of flavors. If you don’t like chocolate, get the vanilla flavor. If you don’t like either, get the bag of mixed fruit flavors. Surely you’ll enjoy one of those more than whatever that candy corn flavor is.
Candy corn reminds me of peeps, they’re a candy you’re supposed to have at a given time of year, and we largely have them out of habit or tradition. But you don’t see them the rest of the year. Why? They’re not very good and we largely eat them out of habit.
Reject stupid traditions and don’t force yourself to eat subpar candy. Tootsie rolls are also far down the tier list, but still way better than candy corn.
I’m just saying, I would be at least 3x as miffed as a kid getting black licorice, or raisins, or some other bullshit in my candy pail than candy corn.
When you’re an adult, it’s different, you can have whatever kind of candy whenever you want, regardless of the time of year – when you’re a kid, you’ll take candy corn every day of the week over a lot of other subpar halloween hand-outs. And even as an adult, sure, I wouldn’t willingly buy a bag of it to eat for myself, but if I were given the choice between eating a handful of candy corn or a handful of Good and Plentys, yeah, I’m taking the candy corn.
Raisins rock, especially those yogurt covered ones, and my kids agree. Oh, and they also hate candy corn (love peeps though…). And black liquorice is good if you get high quality black liquorice, but you’re not getting that on Halloween.
As a kid, you’ll take sugar if offered. If you give a random kid a bucket of assorted candy, you can bet candy corn will be among the last eaten. Here’s a list of much better candies, all commonly handed out at Halloween:
- Skittles
- Air heads
- Laffy Taffy
- Snickers
- Milky Way
- 3 Musketereers
- Tootsie Rolls
- Lolipops/Suckers
- Caramels
- Butterscotch hard candy
- Jolly Ranchers
- Starburst
- Milk Duds
- Dots
- Sour Patch Kids
- Warheads
- M&Ms
- Reese’s Pieces/Cups
- Butterfinger
Some of those many kids don’t like (some kids don’t like peanuts or peanut butter, some don’t like chocolate, etc), but most kids will like most of those more than candy corn. I could also list a bunch more that fit that bill.
I’m not saying candy corn is dead last, I’m saying it’s really low on the tier list. There are worse candies, yes, but there are tons of better candies.
It has a subtle salty butteryness that is just delightful.
It’s a lump of sugary wax that’s colored with crushed up insects.
What’s wrong with candy corn? It’s not my favorite but it’s good.
Uh oh, you’re one of them…
The ingredients?
Thanks for giving a hint of what is going on in the picture. I’ve never seen this candy corn and I intend to keep it that way.
It’s a cocktail of various sugars, a fat, salt, artificial flavoring, and gelatin (usually from animal hooves).
I eat candy corn willingly when it’s the last candy in the house. I have yet to aerial murder anyone
Exactly the sort of thing a serial killer would say.
that was supposed to be serial not aerial but you know what they’re both true so nyeh
God why are we still doing these stupid pop culture opinions?
Nobody actually dislikes hearing the worst moist.
Nobody actually cares if people put pineapple on pizza.
Nobody actually hates candy corn enough to give a shit about it.
Nobody. Not even you. You don’t have to do this, you don’t have to go through the motions just because they laid them out for you.
You can be a real person.
But this shit, this shit is so fucking lame.
Anyone ever seen or even tried broccoli and carrots on Pizza? It’s truly disgusting.
Beef and broccoli pizza is pretty tasty. Just slice the broccoli florets flat like mushrooms. The sauce is just standard brown sauce. Broccoli, beef, onion, mushrooms, and cheese.
Brown sauce? Like HP?
Standard brown sauce. That’s what we called it in the Chinese restaurant kitchen
Japan has entered the chat
Go home, Japan! You’re drunk!
Broccoli is great on pizza.
Carrots aren’t great on anything lol
It was disgusting when I tried it. I don’t think it helped that it was wood fired so the broccoli and carrots were heavily singed. Was very gross. It also barely had any cheese on it.
Don’t really give a shit about pineapple. Not the worst thing on pizza but I’ll give it a miss if I have the option. “Hawaiian” pizza is offensive because of the fucking ham they put on it and call it bacon. No. It’s ham. Stop lying. Go to hell. Ham sucks.
In the UK a lot of kebab shops also do pizza but are run by Muslims so the “ham” on an Hawaiian pizza is most likely to be (halal) turkey meat with beetroot juice added…
How do they keep the pizza on the kebab skewer?