sweet mother of liberty, what the fuck is that???
calls hellbomb, a seaf mini nuke, and a 500kg eagle strike all on the same location
Played against them last night and it fucking sucked. They turn invisible and sneak up on you, they easily outrun and surround you, they attack ferociously with no time to stim or dodge, and they swarm in large numbers. Imagine having seven stalkers chasing you at once, and that gives you a decent idea of the hell Fenrir 3 has become. They can have the planet; I’m not going back.
I love these predator variants. Gives fighting the bugs experience a needed kick.
It’s like killing a special in Vermintide 2 only to have plague rats spawn from the kill. Keeps you on your toes.
Biblical accurate Bug ?
Jesus h democracy it’s the bug version of the hulk (So glad I main bots)
As a bot main and squid enjoyer, and I mean to be bugist but all bugs look the same to me
With bots there’s foot soldiers, chainsaw bois, even the different devastators look different enough from each other but I just cannot tell bugs apart
Plus I just suck at fighting bugs
Played against them this evening, fuck that.
You guys do the MO, I’ll keep the illuminates warm
No fucking thanks. I didn’t like regular stalkers and thought they’re unbalanced. I do not want variants.
There are SO MANY of them! Every single breach, patrol, and POI had Stalker variations in my difficulty 7 operation last night. I’m so spoiled from fighting Illuminate, I was so overwhelmed.
Seen those today around Fenrir III, two size big and small.
They are very hard to deal with, I’ve had to drop back from level 10 to lvl 8 difficulty to learn a better strategy
guns with stagger, sentries, and grouping up closely with other players has been kind to me.
I’ve been dabbling with heavier armor, but it doesnt play well with the other bugs. I’ve also heard the gas rover does pretty good, havent tried it yet.
Man, it’s absolutely rough playing with randoms right now. Everyone just runs off and gets picked off over and over.
I think these new bugs do a good job of emphasizing teamplay. With my go to loadout I used to be able to solo pretty much any situation against terminids, now I’d rather have someone to watch my back