In my opinion, this was a classic monster movie. The atmosphere and slow build up to where the entire city is at the mercy of Orlok.
I’m glad I saw it in IMAX.
In my opinion, this was a classic monster movie. The atmosphere and slow build up to where the entire city is at the mercy of Orlok.
I’m glad I saw it in IMAX.
Nothing wrong with wanting change.
Currently I’m working on setting up Azure Private Endpoints to be able to get our datafactory to communicate within an established vnet instead of communicating out over the internet.
I’m not strong with my network skills so this is a learning curve for me.
Hell no. I’m not getting on the bridge while the water is at that current.
You’d be surprised. I had a beatup 2005 Ford Focus that I bought for $500 to learn how to drive stick. The seat fabric was torn up and staind. Foggy head lights. Mildew smell after a rain. I donated it to a local radio station where they’d sell the vehicle to help support the radio station.
They sold it for $1500.
Such a close game that went to OT. Trae Young missing his FTs and the game ending shot must have realllly hurt Hawk fans tonight.
It’s a a classic story of vengeance that shows the idea that violence begets violence. Also a story that one can ultimately learn how to forgive.
I’m not saying you should like it. The story portrays a good amount of humanity. Most of the story showing the ugly side.
Man that’s wild. There were devs sending these instructions?
The last season of Ozark was great imo. My only gripe was the last scene with their son. Why the complete 180?
Wow. I had no idea. Thank you for educating me.
Uhhh. Am I wrong? I thought they defeated the evil spider, got lost, preteen train, THEN they find the will to press on and get out?
I’m using icons from the Anycon pack. It’s the Niagara Launcher’s “collection of icon packs specifically developed for Niagara Launcher”.
Key word. “Might”.
I’m with you. There are 3 European Paper wasp nests under my patio that have been there since spring. I have yet to be stung.
I’ve been thinking to get a bee suit to move them in the event they do sting me. Otherwise, I’ll remove the nests this winter.
My recommendation is Niagara Launcher. It’s more minimal than other launchers. I like the reduction in clutter.
That wallpaper is one of the wallpapers that comes with the Niagara launcher!
Dvorak. The same as others have posted, I started to type for a living and started to feel the numbness in my hands as I read up on RSI. I switched to Dvorak on my phone then eventually to desktop.
I’m willing to take a gander at the Workman layout.
One option i haven’t seen mentioned is Startmail. They also have a searh engine that’s okay.