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  • 284 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I got a Eufy doorbell cam years ago because you can do local storage, but I think in 2022 or 23 they were called out for not being fully encrypted, iirc it was the thumbnails for push notifications that weren’t being properly encrypted.

    And that somehow also turned into a realization that Eufy was using those thumbnails to build a facial database because each face had a unique ID in the metadata.

    I should really switch away but haven’t had the money, hopefully soon.

  • I joined right after the creek and have been playing pretty steadily since. I think I’m close to 250 hours and level 101.

    The best moments were being low level and encountering the heavier enemies for the first time. Seeing a factory strider getting dropped in, hitting it with all of our stratagems, and it coming through the smoke like it was nothing was terrifying. Now I just call in an AT emplacement and blast until it isn’t standing haha

    The illuminate surprise drop at the game awards was awesome, super earth cancelling all existing orders and ordering all divers to Calypso got me so hyped.

    Now I chase the John Helldiver feeling of joining groups of lower level players and helping them out