I have been using scheduled do not disturb for over a decade, it makes SUCH a difference. I always have it on 10 PM - 7 AM, and I have started enabling it for an hour if work picks up or if I’m at the gym so I can focus.
My work phone is on DND more than not, I’m available 7:30 AM - 5 PM on weekdays and it is in DND otherwise, super nice.
iOS also has a nice feature where if you get called by the same number twice in a short period of time it will let the second call through.
The pessimist in me knows it’s just a matter of time until robo callers figure that one out and start double calling, but it is nice peace of mind for now.
I like where this is going, you’ve been transferred to the Ministry of Science, do not resist
Well there goes my crazy theory lol
But here’s how Super Earth can actually still save Angel’s Venture by…
Really fun game, I thought Sweden was going to complete the comeback with the control they had in OT, but all it takes is one good breakaway
I’m a VGK fan, sad to see Theodore hurt, heard he’s out for the tournament at the very least, ouch
Edit: Theo is week to week, not the worst, not the best
My personal theory is Meridian and soon Angel’s Venture are not being destroyed by the singularity, but transported to some Illuminate controlled space.
And then my crazy fringe theory is one day we will be able to travel through the singularity (via DSS?) to somehow save the planets and bring them back, while also taking the fight to the squid homeworld, maybe use the liberated planets as staging grounds before sending them back. But that is a gallon of hopium lol
Edit: He’s dead, Jim
Probably very loadout dependent too, I have been playing a lot of bots with the diligence counter sniper and AMR, so I do a lot of ADS
I thought something was off with ADS recently, glad they got it fast
Because I still think the safety and convenience for my family and I outweighs the privacy impact, it’s a camera pointed at a public street.
I got a Eufy doorbell cam years ago because you can do local storage, but I think in 2022 or 23 they were called out for not being fully encrypted, iirc it was the thumbnails for push notifications that weren’t being properly encrypted.
And that somehow also turned into a realization that Eufy was using those thumbnails to build a facial database because each face had a unique ID in the metadata.
I should really switch away but haven’t had the money, hopefully soon.
It’s just so good. I tried it out expecting to not like it because I’m not the biggest fan of the MG emplacement, but now I can’t imagine pulling it from my loadout with bots. Bot drop incoming? Let me call in my dropship eraser.
I joined right after the creek and have been playing pretty steadily since. I think I’m close to 250 hours and level 101.
The best moments were being low level and encountering the heavier enemies for the first time. Seeing a factory strider getting dropped in, hitting it with all of our stratagems, and it coming through the smoke like it was nothing was terrifying. Now I just call in an AT emplacement and blast until it isn’t standing haha
The illuminate surprise drop at the game awards was awesome, super earth cancelling all existing orders and ordering all divers to Calypso got me so hyped.
Now I chase the John Helldiver feeling of joining groups of lower level players and helping them out
Inflammable armor passive is pretty effective with it
Really cool, but really scary, all I see is facial biometrics from 1 km away.
That’s interesting, I didn’t think the shots looked too different from previous FRGs, I’ll have to give it a try and see
Do they bounce? I don’t remember if they showed that off or not
I’ve seen clips that you can use it to dig, basically makes a little crater like explosives would, so you can have pseudo trenches
I am hoping they improved the handling difference between keyboard and mouse and controller too, I play KBM so I have had my friend with a controller drive because turns in the city areas are a guaranteed flip unless I’m barely rolling
So it looks like we will be getting a GEN3 version of Chief’s GEN2 armor from 4 and 5, that’s kinda cool that we have every armor set of his in one game
I guess technically it is his H5 kit specifically because the visor is cracked
I’d suggest muting unless you want to hear the Autumn’s alarm going for the entire video