The NYT pretends the move is “puzzling” and puts a reason in the second half of the article.

Prioritizing areas with higher birthrates would, however, send more federal funding to Republican states. South Dakota, Alaska, Nebraska, North Dakota and Texas are among the states with the highest fertility rates, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. States that have the lowest fertility rates include Vermont, Oregon, Rhode Island and New Hampshire, none of which voted for Mr. Trump in the 2024 election.

“Clearly this is helping red states,” said Phillip Levine, an economics professor at Wellesley College who has studied the topic of falling U.S. birthrates.

The other reason is this is Trump making the fascists and fundies happy by mentioning birthrates in red states. I’m actually surprised Trump didn’t have his transportation secretary stooge simply say “The more you vote for Trump - the more we help you.”