Vacuous American settlers are never going to understand that every inch of Gaza has been sanctified with the blood of martyrs. Every hour of every day that the Palestinian people remain in their homes is the greatest memorial to the dead and an insult to the occupier. Their resolve is a great inspiration.
In response to Trump’s comments, Mousa said that she endured all manner of suffering just to be able to return to her home. “It was the happiest moment of my life, even if my home was destroyed,” she said, adding that she wanted to embrace every grain of sand in Jabalia. She added that Trump wasn’t the first Westerner with no connection to the land to try to decide its people’s fate. “It’s like the Balfour Declaration,” she explains. “Trump wants to uproot us for the sake of an occupier.”
But Mousa believes that no such plan will succeed. “We will remain here above the rubble until we rebuild it,” she says. “Nothing worse can happen than the war of extermination we have already experienced, and even it did not succeed in removing us from our land.”
“If they offered me an entire city instead of the rubble of my home, I would not accept it,” Mousa added emphatically. “Homelands cannot be replaced. Homelands are like your blood and soul…Palestine is our land and our country, and we will not leave it under any pressure or plans.”
Since Gaza won the war it’s absolutely incumbent of them to dictate the terms if Israeli surrender. Gaza has never been in a position of such complete power before, able to arbitrarily impose will on a defeated foe. Perhaps Gaza will even fornicate with Netanyahu’s sister as is traditional when negotiating from such an overwhelmingly strong position.
The spirit of the Palestinian people will never be broken, the Israeli fascist project has failed and the blood of children won’t magically revive it
I despise liberals who keep saying Trump will annihilate Gaza, worse than Biden.
Hey liberals, when the Palestinians talk about not wanting to leave their ruined homes, who made those homes into rubble?
They need it to be true.
This plan is de facto identical to one Biden was barely lucid enough to remember suggesting.
Liberals have terminal goldfish brain lmao
Libs who think that Trump’s remarks are uniquely evil among the US ruling class fail to understand that action matters more than words .
Trump can’t make them leave. The Israelis have been trying. How is trump gonna accomplish it? Send more of the same bombs biden did? He can’t make them leave with his words and his cruel “deals” are no more vicious than Bidens.
But to a liberal words are all that are allowed to matter. Material reality will be denied.
Americans have such a short memory. Sleepy Joe already tried to do this and failed.
The IDF already tried to annihilate all of them and failed.
How long will we continue to pretend that the solution to this doesn’t require a political settlement with the resistance?
Or mass graves!
That’s sweet, but this offer isn’t for the Palestinian people.
Doesn’t matter, their word is the last and only one that matters, the charred husks of hundreds of Merkavas attest to that
Ultimately they decide who moves. If Jordan/UAE/whatever comparadors try to push people out, they’ll get sent to hell like the Israelis did
Trump was not going give them cities in the first place, at best temporary stay as resort workers and to perform for tourists while they wear henna