TomBombadil [he/him, she/her]

  • 30 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 31st, 2023


  • The US still has(had) some good science going especially in optical science, hydrology, astronomy, and geology. Now well… Any scientific American is going to start considering:

    A) work for America if you can get a job at all… Pay will be paltry. Only funded projects are directly applicable to blowing up brown people. Want to study systematic climate change and it’s effects on the long term water supply… Woke garbage fuck off.

    B) work for China… And get paid decent and probably not torn off a project you’ve dedicated yourself passionately to when some asshole thinks it’s woke.

    Meanwhile Americans will be shocked and appalled that China “stole” all this scientific research merely by treating scientists as valuable professionals.

  • I think we are all on the same page in regards to certain things only existing as they do because of the American state and it’s history. We all agree that history shapes present. Bbnh69420 I believe had the same question I had which is what makes these queer spaces so uniquely American that other examples given lack? What makes them more unique than the examples that “that could theoretically exist without the united states”?

    If with the phrase “can only exist because of the united state’s presence in its current form” you meam that these queer spaces can only continue to exist as long as the United States continues to I disagree. No more would American queer spaces vanish than would soul food if the boot of empire was removed. But both indeed would not have manifested identically in an alternate history with no USA.

    So really I’m just trying to understand that difference in perspective.

  • True. I suppose I meant people will make good food regardless of if the American state exists as it does. Of course the history of this terrible place impacts the people in it and what they do and thus the culture they develop.

    I’m basically agreeing with you and trying to parse what the previous person said … Why are queer spaces uniquely worth crediting the American state with while things like food and national parks are not. Because of course the Americans states unique history of oppression influences modern queer culture in America just as slavery and imperialism influence it’s people’s food.

    Neither would exist as they do without the American state but that of course does not abdicate the state from its evils.

  • To number 1 it’s so weird to me… Like I just want to ask these people…

    you missed the bikini burger lady so much? You even noticed she was gone? Is your life so empty and hollow that watching a classicaly attractive women eat borgor is the best it has?

    You could be doing literally anything. Just going into your backyard and making mounds of mud would be a more interesting and engaging activity than caring about the borrrguer ads.

  • It’s endlessly amusing to me that these sorts of people think they are smart. They insist they are geniuses in fact. Yet they are incapable of grasping the glaring obvious reasons that their stated goals clash with their political objectives.

    People must have more kids but we must make the world a worse place and that’ll make them have more kids.

    No it won’t. It obviously won’t to anyone who examines evidence for 15 minutes.

    I understand that some people are lying. Saying they want one thing but actually wanting and doing another. But there are true believers. These types… Musk fanboys… Etc

    I just want to point and laugh at them because they truly are so fucking incapable of understanding despite their education and auras of intelligence