Checking in from Quy Nhón
Its dreadful hehe
Geez you poor thing, you must be suffering
Ooh nice!
I’m so sorry.
Oh, I am choking on the envy right now!
I’m sure you are suffering greatly. Take some medication for the pain.
I wonder how many people have pissed in that water?
Enjoy it anyway. 🍺
Looks absolutely awful. Next time you go somewhere this terrible let me know in advance as I’m calling dibs on the spot in your suitcase.
Joke’s on you. It’s grey and cloudy here.
Way better than what you have!
5 year old would not sleep at all last night.
Work is utter hell, I want to go home already.
World is going to shit.
The light at the end of the tunnel is a train.
-screaming intensifies-
If you need formal permission to bounce, you have it.
I’m the only one on-site today in my area (as usual lately), if I bounce there’s nobody to stop me 🤔
Do it. Do it do it do it. You can blame me, i’ll pull fire alarms if ya need
And now my wife tells me there’s problems with the water at home and we may need to call a plumber.
That’s it I’m done. 👋
The gods have spoken!
You ever have a day where you have action paralysis, struggle against the brick wall of zero motivation, waste time on rubbish, and then think fck it, I’ve wasted so much of the day anyway I don’t want to even try for the remainder of the day. It’s one of those.
We call those ‘weekdays’.
yup, my day just swung that way. Time to down tools
Feels like every day at the moment TBH.
That’s exactly it for me, I said I was going to do all these chores, 7 hours later barely budged. I just rolled with it after it became clear nothing was happening. Luckily I can get away with it now… pretty soon I won’t.
I’m right there with you
One of the most important members of the technical team rang me on my mobile (im on sick leave) and told me she’s quitting.
She is one of the most amazing and intelligent people i have ever met. She is the companies knowledge base, and they are doing to her what they’re doing to me. The work overload.
They pay her poorly. Very poorly. And knocked back raises in the past.
I told her what I did, and she’s going to give it a last shot.
Rome is burning.
Telltale signs of shitty management. If this isn’t addressed quickly and effectively, time to leave. Good luck with the job search :)
If everyone’s leaving what are they left with it?
You assume that business owners and management want to have a thriving and growing business. To too many owners and management a business is just a vehicle from which to extract money and or power/benefits.
The sad bit is that the workers believe in the work.
Well I can’t figure out the exact plan of they’re planning. You take over a business to gut it and kill it?
Sounds like a a lot of people have left at his workplace.
The business is a means to money , nothing more.
I have devoured several potat, with misc veg and bean toppings.
Nigh nigh
Look what I found. My sister knitted them for my daughter years ago. I’m not throwing them out. They’re heirlooms now.
They’re adorable! Definitely hang onto them!
It’s escaped my attention until now, but next Monday is a public holiday. We have a long weekend coming up!!! Yippee!
Yeah, I meant to swap that one for a less problematic day but forgot how much notice is required to do so. Oops.
I have a couple days overtime accrued already, so i’m taking tomorrow off too :D
Good thing we all have monday off, 37c forecast yikes
Is everyone Celebrating Australia Day/ Commiserating Invasion Day on Sunday or Monday?
I need to get the Lamb Chops for the BBQ, but don’t know exactly when I will be having them for Lunch.
dont really do anything since they moved hottest 100. I get why they did it, but it took away the main event for me.
Sunday for the chops and snags. Monday is a bonus day.
Doing nothing but resetting my internal clock and staying cool inside.
Invasion Day, but not doing anything in particular. Existence consumed by sleep & boxen.
oh F yes!
I’ve been reeking of garlic (and, embarrassingly, sweat) all morning and lolling around in bed shamelessly avoiding uni obligations. House is a dumpster. Well, I’m done with being gross now… time to start with the mountain of chores to bring this place back to sanity.
Lol. I’ve got stuff on the floor in every room but I have tidy cupboards and drawers. Throwing out a heap of shit. I found napisan that expired in 2014. Everytime I mark something off my list I add another 2 things to it. I feel ya. 💜
Gotta keep running to stay in place, feels like…
Life is a battle against entropy.
We’ve had a clear out of the child’s room… 5 trips to the op shop and I still have 2 boxes to take, and filling up a 3rd. And I’m about to tackle the plastics drawer and that dreaded 3rd cutlery drawer…
Napisan expires?
The active ingredient degrades slowly over time. Nothing bad will happen if it’s used, it just won’t be effective in whitening clothes. So the manufacturer puts an expiry date, mostly so people don’t complain ‘it didn’t work’
The expiry date also ‘helps’ people to buy the product more often.
Ah ha and it’s 3 kgs and it’s still half full because I don’t use it except for the occasional pillowcase.
Must be the day for it. I’ve been putting stuff off and now need to just bite the bullet and get it done
First! Bite me.
Catfish is now among tomorrow’s ingredients.
The taste of catfish can be described as mild and slightly sweet. It has a tender, flaky texture and a unique flavor that is often compared to that of chicken. Some people also say that it has a slightly earthy or muddy taste, which is more pronounced in larger catfish. – shameless net steal
Nothing a fry pan, white wine and garlic can’t fix.
Mmm catfish
This is helpful for recipe preparation. Thank you.
nom nom nom …lol
What’s with the nibble, teeth fall out?
I’m savouring you.
I am an acquired taste 😹
I do not know what I want for dinner. Sorely tempted to load a baked potato up to fuck and just eat that
microwave it
Potat is very nutritious. Go for it.
Do it. Easy is good. Maybe the world will look a smidge brighter after some food. Or you’ll have a bit more energy to burn everything down.
Mildly touchy recent topic
Fuckkk, Spud was being forced to withdraw cold turkey due to not being able to afford nicotine therapy and barely having money for food. When you see this if you can get to one of the places you can get some food for Mickey
There are food banks around that might have relaxed eligibility
And there might be bulk billed consults or reduced cost/free nicotine therapy
Ps. Sorry if this is none of my business
I don’t check here every day so I missed all that info. But, if they’re reading this and struggling with nicotine withdrawal and not wanting to quit or cold turkey, DM me.
Ps. Sorry if this is none of my business
You’re free to speak about it, you can also disagree if you feel differently about anything.
I thought she was working and studying too?
I remember her saying she doesn’t have a job right now. I hope she is doing okay
Probably. Ugh I might be sticking my nose in.
I hope both are okay
Once a little sugar ant made up his mind to roam -
To fare away far away, far away from home.
He had eaten all his breakfast, and he had his Ma’s consent
To see what he should chance to see; and here’s the way he went -
Up and down a fern frond, round and round a stone,
Down a gloomy gully where he loathed to be alone,
Up a mighty mountain range, seven inches high,
Through the fearful forest grass that nearly hid the sky,
Out along a bracken bridge, bending in the moss,
Till he reached a dreadful desert that was feet and feet across.
'Twas a dry, deserted desert, and a trackless land to tread,
He wished that he was home again and tucked-up tight in bed.
His little legs were wobbly, his strength was nearly spent,
And so he turned around again and here’s the way he went -
Back away from desert lands, feet and feet across,
Back along the bracken bridge bending in the moss,
Through the fearful forest grass, shutting out the sky,
Up a mighty mountain range seven inches high,
Down a gloomy gully, where he loathed to be alone,
Up and down a fern frond and round and round a stone.
A dreary ant, a weary ant, resolved no more to roam,
He staggered up the garden path and popped back home.
That is charming!
A bit of C. J. Dennis on this Thursday morning grind
And why not. A bit of CJ does makes us all cheerful.
My brain has a disproportionate amount of random doggerel in it
Back when I was a kid, I was gifted a copy of Verse & Worse by Arnold Silcock - the trauma has never left me and I can quote most of them to this day. Has come in handy for scrabble though.
Yet another wave.
Also got into a barking contest apparently with an elderly St. Bernard doggo. This thing was huuge. They’re gentle giants but I lost that one had to yield.
I love the colours in that one.
I sat through two hour long meetings today so I think I can take 6 hours sick leave instead of 8
You forgot about the ramp up and down time for those meetings. That’s 4 hours sick leave at best.
You’re right. It takes a lot of mental preparation when you’re in that state
Yeah and if you were in any team I’ve worked in we’d be questioning why you’re putting in any sick leave at all.
Lovely day update - bliss has been interrupted my multiple mowers and power tools. Neighbours really hate silence.