a life with no social media and phone, having more DIY, Punk, hacking style and stuff, how is that possible in current years? my ideas are having so low or no use of social media, using Linux or BSDS, having a custom rom at phone (or dumphone) and using alternative sites like image boards, IRC, old/niche forums, going to punk gigs and raves, learn music instrument, learn about cybersec, download music and movies, piracy in general, dress alt, make a personal webpage, using less javascript and using alternative’s to crapitalism.

  • egonallanon@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    I’ll speak to the phone bit as the rest of list feels somewhat subjective/ specific to your personal wants and desires.

    Personally I would go with getting a used pixel device and stick graphene OS on it giving you a much reduced risk to your privacy while still allowing you acess to some of the nicer conveniences that smartphones allow.