Especially in imperial countries where the kids have to deliberately go along with many wrong history lessons?

I don’t have kids, Matt Christman having one just makes me wonder how he and other Communist parents do it.

  • duderium [he/him]
    3 months ago

    My kids are 10 and 13. I homeschooled them for the first three years of the pandemic and during this time brainwashed them (and myself) with communist propaganda. They wanted to go back to school last fall so my spouse (a left liberal) and I let them. My spouse had also been strongly pressuring me to send them back for months beforehand.

    It’s amazing the influence their lib school and lib friends have on them. My kids are also super into Harry Potter. My 10-year-old listens to the audiobooks (from the library) constantly. We also just got through re-watching and discussing LOTR, which my older kid is now re-reading. A few nights ago my older kid and I got into a heated argument about whether the orcs in LOTR are basically a Nazi vision of Judeo-Bolshevik-Africans. He admitted the next morning that they are. He also seemed disturbed when I kept referring to Tolkien as a Catholic monarchist (which he was).

    They also play video games, chat with their friends a lot, and do all kinds of after-school activities. They’re good if not great students (I suspect the teachers are just softballing everyone?) and are happy with their social lives. If not for covid and the general horror of amerikkkan imperialism and colonialism and capitalism and patriarchy and climate change and school shootings, there wouldn’t be much to complain about. I also didn’t really start to think about politics until I was 12 or 13.

    So there’s strong liberal influences everywhere. Sometimes my kids push back if they see me shouting “Free Palestine” out the car window at people. They don’t like that. (I haven’t done it with them since the summer when there were more people around; I do sometimes do things like this on my own, picking fights with liberals over Palestine in person in public—especially when I know that I can easily get away—because I have no respect for the indifferent and these fucking pieces of shit should have no peace wherever they go.) But I asked the older one today: “does ‘israel’ have a right to exist?” He immediately answered no. I then asked: “where should the Jews in ‘israel’ go once the country no longer exists?” “They can go back to Europe where they came from,” he said. (We also have Jewish ancestry.) We talked about how Hamas has said that anyone can live in Palestine so long as they follow the rules. Was he just humoring me? I don’t think so. Both of my kids also tell me repeatedly that they are contemptuous of the liberal nonsense their teachers tell them. My older son had to complete a project on the constitution recently. I told him he could mention that the constitution had been written by slave owners. He said that he just wanted to get a passing grade, so he ended up writing what the lib teacher wanted to hear. I have lost all respect for local schools, institutions, teachers, etc., because none of them give a fuck about masking, I’ve seen them lie to my face, and there have been issues with weird sexual abuse at the school. I also can’t stand being anywhere near any of the other parents. I also strongly insist on my kids masking at school, and I know that they don’t always do so (all of us have “colds” right now), but I also know that they do it at least sometimes.

    Raising communist kids isn’t just about forcing them to read communist texts. Communists aim to build a democratic society, which means making things as democratic as possible at home: listening to kids and allowing them to make some decisions at least, even if they conflict with your own desires. And also just loving your kids, encouraging their strengths, being there for them, giving a damn about them.

    Feel free to critique me but I’m doing the best that I can. I don’t know how they’re going to turn out because millions of things could happen from millions of different directions and I can’t keep them locked in their rooms forever reading communist texts. (The older one definitely seems to remember all the dialectical materialism I drilled into him years ago.) I have kind of wondered about how communists ended up raising monsters like Pete Buttigieg and Kamala Harris—were their parents really communists to begin with? Were they too nice, or were they abusive or neglectful? Did their kids become liberals because for some reason they associated their nice communist parents with the nice liberal government? Reich says it’s all about sex—that people turn into fascists because their parents physically abuse them into having a really strange relationship with sex (the petite bourgeoisie, the main supporters of fascism, are hostile to extramarital sex because they don’t have the resources to support all those kids and don’t want to deal with more proletarians). Interestingly, I managed to get my spouse, who comes from a PB family, to watch Starship Troopers with us a year or two ago. She didn’t have a problem with all of the gruesome violence in that movie, but she walked out during the shower scene and refused to finish the movie with us.

    • anarchoilluminati [comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      Feel free to critique me but I’m doing the best that I can.

      Okay, I will. I think you’re guiding your kids down the wrong path making them think orcs are Judeo-Bolshevik-Africans, that’s a stretch.

      But, no, seriously, it sounds like you’re doing a great job. I think many of us would’ve been lucky to have a dad like you. Just curious what you meant with “it’s all about sex”? In the preceding sentences you were wondering why Communist/Left-raised kids end up being fascists, but in the following sentence you discuss fascist-sympathizing petite bourgeoisie abusing their kids leading to them having weird relationships with sex. Was the “it’s all about sex” related to Communists raising kids to become fascists or petite bourgeois fascists abusing their kids? Or were you imagining petite bourgeois “communists” doing this? I don’t think people like Kamala Harris or Pete Buttigieg were actually raised by Communists but maybe that’s just a No True Scotsman thing on my part.

      • duderium [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Thanks. I meant that it’s all about sex. Having a more open attitude toward safe consensual sex among adults will probably help in making people more leftwing. Having a weird attitude about it (saying that women who sleep with men outside of marriage are sluts, for instance) increases the chances of turning your kids into groypers. It’s not difficult to find the sexual element in politics, regardless of a given person’s ideology.

        Pete and Kamala both had communist academic parents AFAIK.

    • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 months ago

      I wish I could be so agro in person, but I would 100% lose my job the second they figure out I work in schools (IT work mind you. Reminder: gotta check that prolewiki isnt blocked at work). That will make the school process interesting since my kids will be in the system I work in.

      Among family we don’t mince words though. Our MIL has the “some people want to be homeless” brain worms, and my wife shoots that idea out of the sky whenever she brings it up. Happened just this week on vacation while her and my daughter and grandma were driving to a thing. Granted my daughter is 4.

      My kids are young enough that you can’t tell them nothing really. Though I think that changes at 4. Its wild what the 4yo picks up just from daycare. She gets most of her ideas about Santa from daycare, she “likes” Paw Patrol even though we do not allow it in the house. I know one of the kids are daycare of obsessed with Paw Patrol.

      • duderium [he/him]
        3 months ago

        Never let your daughter forget that Chase is a class traitor.

        I was already blacklisted around here for political reasons so I don’t have much to lose.