📢 REDstreams alert 📢
Join us for a new episode of #REDstreams, where we’ll dive deep into the new features Coming Soon TM for Cyberpunk 2077 in Update 2.2!
See you tomorrow at 5 PM CET on our Twitch and, for the first time ever, simultaneously on our YouTube channel.
Get ready, chooms! It’s gonna be 🔥
I was under the impression that 2.1 was the last update, but I sure don’t mind more fixes and such. EDIT: hol-up, “new features”? :o
Makes me wonder if they would potentially roll back the “no more DLC” thing too.
I would 100% do another full playthrough if we got another phantom liberty sized expansion with the currently cancelled moon story
As cool as that would be I’d be very surprised if there were enough people still tinkering with the game to produce a full-on expansion. My bet is on fixes, some small and easy to implement content (basic quests, iconic weapon etc) and a few minor features requested by lots of people (like ability to paint all vehicles or something).
I would love paint jobs on all cars!!
Sounds like I can pause on that update until all my mods work then and I don’t need to rush grabbing it.
… That’s if there is no 3rd person mode and it’s just new side missions
Edit; yep.
Color me excited, lol.
I expected the game to be done for by now.
🔥? It’s gonna be preem!
So my guesses are:
- Fixes to a few persistent bugs
- Maybe some iconics
- Re-implement those two 90% finishes gigs that aren’t playable?
- Slight rebalance
Fucking nova. Let’s get it!
This is 11 AM EST, 8 am PST for any other north americans who need the conversion.
Interesting. Perhaps they’ve gone for another round of integrating community additions into the game?
THIRD PERSON MODE PLEASE. It’s the last thing I want…
also…RIP mods for a few weeks after release
Edit: FUCK.
I’m pretty stoked. I’d love a reason to play the game a third time.
Dang, I had the smallest, barest of hopes they might roll in VR support which would have been amazing. Oh well, still going back for another another replay!
(Yes, I’m aware the 3rd party tools, no I’m not making a patron account and making monthly payments to use the tool)
I might be misremembering but I think CDPR mentioned they won’t be touching VR unless it becomes more popular. Feels like a lot of work for a niche addition for a game on its last legs support wise (probably… until the next final patch). Would be cool though.
I know, it was always incredibly unlikely, bit.of a chicken and egg situation though. No support for VR because its not large, and its not large because theres no support for it. Slowly growing though! Still happy its getting updates, and improving for sure.
Was able to post this before I saw “Similar post from 33 seconds ago”.
Stream cliff notes:
- Patch created with the help of Virtuos Studio.
- New content focused on player expression.
- Repainting for Chevillon, Mizutani, Quadra and Villefort cars.
- Ability to scan patterns from other cars in the city, save them in your database and apply them to your vehicle. Colors in patterns can be changed.
- Changing your paint will make escape from police easier.
- Repainting is intended for owned cars, not stolen ones.
- New cars to buy (8 from base game, 2 from Phantom Liberty).
- Johnny can spawn as a passanger with additional dialog (random chance, won’t show up during combat, story missions or when there’re other passangers in the car).
- Improved photo mode:
- More usable drone mode.
- No more camera collisions.
- New screenshot aspect ratios for PC.
- Up to 3 lights for additional customization.
- Spawnable NPCs.
- Reworked UI.
- In-game gallery, photos can be displayed in player apartments.
- Expanded character creation:
- New assets (hair, eyes, cyberware, nails and makeup options etc).
- Randomizer with filters for what to keep and how crazy you want to look.
- Update will be available soon after the stream.
I had to step away for a moment so I missed a thing or two, check the patch notes whenever they’re posted.
Sweet so they took another mod “The Passenger” and made it their own. This update is called express yourself despite the fact we barely see V in game. This is where a 3rd person camera would have been at
If 2.2 doesn’t add any performance improvements I’m not updating till am my mods are working
The only performance specific change mentioned in patch notes is optimization to the threading system - that might be a decent boost depending on what they did and your CPU.