At a time when Americans increasingly want pricey SUVs and trucks rather than small cars, the Mirage remains the lone new vehicle whose average sale price is under 20 grand — a figure that once marked a kind of unofficial threshold of affordability. With prices — new and used — having soared since the pandemic, $20,000 is no longer much of a starting point for a new car.

This current version of the Mirage, which reached U.S. dealerships a decade ago, sold for an average of $19,205 last month, according to data from Cox Automotive. (Though a few other new models have starting prices under $20,000, their actual purchase prices, with options and shipping, exceed that figure.)

    701 year ago

    At the current minimum wage ($7.25), it’s takes 2.757.6 hours or nearly 70 40-hour weeks to reach $20,000.

    That is over 1.3 years of full time work to equal the one “cheap” car option. And it completely ignores any other costs, like taxes and interest, let alone god-damn housing, food, medical bills, etc.

    This economic system is fucked. If you’re not fighting for income and wealth equality, you’re sociopathic.

      151 year ago

      Don’t worry, if you can’t afford it in cash you can always take out an 84 month loan at 6.5% if you’re lucky, so it’s actually only ~$25,000, or 3,448.3 hours/86.2 40hr weeks!

        1 year ago

        Yes that seems very reasonable. Also why the fuck are you buying a new car on min wage lol

        I make about 8x the min wage and I would still probably never buy a new car.

          91 year ago

          Covid fucked up the car market pretty bad for several years and it’s only NOW just barely recovering. People were selling used cars for more than they bought them new. And used shitty cars that used to go for cheap are going for premium prices.

          If you’re going to pay out the nose anyway, it starts to make a lot of sense to get something new because it’s both cheaper and you’ll know the full history and have the full warranty.

      101 year ago

      That’s why, if you or someone you know doesn’t make enough, you get a used car. Brand new cars are such a waste of money. With that being said, prices across almost everything today is still fucked in the US with housing definitely being the worst offender.

      21 year ago

      If you are minimum wage there’s no way you are getting full time hours. Minimum wage employers will only schedule works for 20 hours a week to ensure they won’t get close to getting benefits.

      01 year ago

      minimum wage is too low

      Very reasonable take. I’m here for it.

      all jobs should be compensated equally and wealth should be distributed equally

      Hard pass.

        21 year ago

        Communists should take a long, hard look at how well communism has worked elsewhere. Capitalism has many problems, and wealth inequality is one of them, but it’s the economic system that has worked best so far. The fact is that my surgeon should earn a lot more than my gardener.

          1 year ago

          Really, the problem stems from the idea of wealth in general. To use a Communist structure like that would require eliminating the concept of non-tangible “wealth” entirely. Because otherwise you get the kind of incongruencies that you describe.

          It’s hard though, right? Without wealth, how do you value the work of others? It used to be done by bartering. Or perhaps people did it because they were good at it, and didn’t mind helping out. People worked together.

          Obviously this doesn’t fit in the modern era, when people generally work specifically to earn money, rather than for some general purpose. People probably aren’t going to want to do the job they already have in exchange for nothing but goodwill. They have to have a purpose. Our purpose in Capitalism (unless you are very lucky) is to earn Wealth so we can continue to exist, and as a guiding philosophy that does a decent enough job for most people.

            11 year ago

            how do you value the work of others? It used to be done by bartering. Or perhaps people did it because they were good at it, and didn’t mind helping out. People worked together.

            You’re romanticizing an era that never existed. Even if we can build such an economy, it’s absurdly impractical in a modern, complex world. Sure, if we only had to build homes, hunt, and make babies that’s fine, but too many modern necessities, such as sanitation, require a reward beyond being good at it or helping out.

              1 year ago

              Yes, this was my exact point. Money is how we quantify the value of effort in the modern era. It’s why Communism will never work with our current framework. They are fundamentally incompatible. Our purpose in life is to make money, we cannot just start giving everyone equal quantities of it — life would be meaningless. It requires a paradigm shift on how we value effort.

    • Illecors
      -321 year ago

      But minimum wage -> minimum effort, right? I have no problem with no effort => no reward.

            71 year ago

            It’s an ad hominem, not a strawman. Maybe if you actually studied philosophy instead of just parroting people who just want your attention for monetary gain, you’d understand why the minimum wage being dangerously low is bad for everyone.

            • Illecors
              -41 year ago

              You’re obviously of great education, yet fail to see my point completely. What gives.

                31 year ago

                You’re not doing a good job explaining yourself. It currently reads like you’re being a troll who thinks that people should starve.

                If I squint, I can maybe see how you’re actually trying to aim yourself at the owning class, but your points aren’t coherent enough for that to make sense.

                Plus, I’m neurodivergent, I can barely parse regular speech half the time, I’m not going to spend much more effort than that on someone who appears to be retaliating rather than explaining their position.

        81 year ago

        I’m making way more money as an EE than when I was a teen making minimum wage at a factory. That shit is grueling and far from no effort

        • Illecors
          -71 year ago

          Clearly you’ve put effort into becoming an EE. Clearly it has paid back. I don’t see why you’re arguing.

            71 year ago

            I don’t see why I wouldn’t want my fellow man who is struggling in the system to do better just because I went into huge debt to be an EE

            • Illecors
              -61 year ago

              Nobody wants your fellow man struggling in the system whether you went into debt or not. Some fellow men, however, are blood sucking assholes living off others’ effort.

        21 year ago

        I’ve worked minimum wage jobs and jobs that pay far more, and I definitely wasn’t working harder at the high paying ones

      641 year ago

      If love is code for being forced to by horrible corporations that can do whatever they want because we have no consumer protections at all. Yup. If you mean buying cars, we kind of have to. Public transit is a joke outside like 3-4 major cities. I remember my first job out of college, had a light rail stop within biking distance from home and one right outside the office. Looked into riding it. Near 2 hours each way, multiple transfers. 20 minute car drive.

          141 year ago

          I feel like you don’t understand that, in addition to the transportation shortfalls from the comment above, people are also stuck buying whatever vehicle they can afford, which oftentimes are the tanks you describe, which unfortunately have the aftermarket values that fall into lower earners’ price range.

          Short of that, I challenge you to get a popular rapper to talk about their pimped out Prius.

          121 year ago

          I have an 02 VW Golf diesel. My coworkers are constantly asking why I don’t get a new car. My TDi will still be running when I’m six feet under, I’ll never give it up.

        1 year ago

        There is some truth to this but small cars have been selling poorly for years now. I’m sure marketing campaigns are at play here but surely some people are capable of seeing through those. Why does no one buy small, affordable, efficient cars anymore? It’s baffling to me.

          21 year ago

          Honestly it’s becoming increasingly hard to drive smaller cars in the sea of tank sized ones for a couple of reasons.

          First, it can be really hard to see in situations where an SUV is blocking your view of the oncoming traffic or you need to pull out between two tanks. Also, I find it really difficult to drive my small car at night because I have astigmatism and the oncoming trucks and suvs are shining directly at my face the whole time. Last, even small cars with good safety ratings fair poorly in impacts with higher and heavier cars, especially if I had kids I think this would be a significant motivation to not have the smallest car on the road.

          It’s an infuriating situation as someone who doesn’t want to buy a land boat just to go to the grocery store, but I don’t really think the blame can solely be placed on consumers. What we really need is to close the loopholes in emission standards for SUVs, implement a tax on heavy vehicles, and start taxing gasoline at sustainable rate. Unfortunately there isn’t much desire to do any of those things right now :(

    • blargerer
      211 year ago

      Nope. This is all driven by the car companies. They can get higher margins on large vehicles.

      • FuglyDuck
        171 year ago

        Also they’re barely offering sedans any more- except for high performance things

        They’re all cross overs and “SUVs” and “pickups”

          121 year ago

          The fuel economy regulations are more forgiving for larger vehicles. Since the manufacturers fail at making efficient engines, they just make larger vehicles to get a passing rating. This is why small trucks no longer exist and an F150 is now the size of an elephant.

          1 year ago

          Barely offer sedans? Only if you specifically mean American manufacturers. Toyota, Nissan, Subaru and Honda all offer multiple sedan models. Claiming there aren’t any sedan models out there is just pure nonsense.

        1 year ago

        But is it? Even the few small models available aren’t selling. If this were being forced on us, the few economy models would be in high demand but it seems to be the opposite. What is going on in the American psyche? I don’t understand it.

      • Lololol just blame everyone but they market! I can walk into a Subaru or Nissan dealership today and buy a no frills car for under 20k (despite the false headline). People willfully choose to spend more on features.

            1 year ago

            I did a year ago. Outback XT, paid $500 under sticker and they had cheap base trims on the lot for MSRP as well.

            Give these guys a call. They will sell you an MSRP Impreza today.

            These, not ironically at all, are not desirable cars and sit on the lot. So while a nicer more popular car at 50k may still be hard to find, the poverty trims are very much available.

        • blargerer
          81 year ago

          I live in a car manufacturing city. I don’t work in the industry but have plenty of friends and acquaintances who do. Have 2nd hand stories of high level managers giving speeches where they literally say they are focusing on trucks and SUVs because the margins are better.

          • Oh don’t get me wrong, trucks and SUVs ARE the focus. They just aren’t the only option. I can point out like 5 sedans under 20k with availability. People matter the choice to buy bigger and with more features. There market represents it by making more of them. But you still have plenty of choices.

          81 year ago

          You are delusional. All you have to do is go somewhere like to see how wrong you are. Search new, all vehicles under $20,000. There’s a couple, all of them would be over $20,000 after tax, title and license fees. There are barely any cars that cheap now. Car manufacturers are intentionally not offering budget vehicles now. That’s the whole point.

    101 year ago

    The new 2024 Chevy Trax, which has gotten rave reviews, starts at about $21k.

    It is infinitely better vehicle than this Mirage.

    • geogle
      71 year ago

      Difference is that the number they’re looking at is the average sales price. There is a big difference between starting price for a bare-bones option without fees and actual sales price across the model line.

    • Altima NEO
      21 year ago

      What’s the Nissan versa going for? I thought it was supposed to be cheap as balls too?

      01 year ago

      The minimum wage is not $1,000 anywhere in the United States.

      At the absolute worst min wage, the car is 2x the minimum wage.

      • @Dyf_Tfh
        91 year ago

        Yearly vs monthly wage.

      01 year ago

      How are people up voting this. Can people not do 1st grade basic math? This is just incorrect

  • keeb420
    71 year ago

    if the new mirage is like the old one id rather have used anyway.

    -111 year ago

    Detroit thanks Biden for standing behind trumps China trade war or else the American consumers may have been able to get a new EV at half that cost.

  • “Average sales price” what a shitty headline, but hey gotta soak that karma somewhere.

    Consumers are choosing expensive vehicles and companies are responding. Stop blaming everyone else but the rampant over spending on features.

        1 year ago

        Blah blah blah, everybody but my own fault. You do have a choice. Instead of buying the model with 50 different features, you can buy the one with plain cloth and 5 inch shitty screen. But you won’t because you want ACC, heated seats, and cameras everywhere.


        Shipping all the Mitsubishis for sale.

          • aebrer
            71 year ago

            Lol apparently having AC in your car is a privilege and not a basic feature… It’s 2023 and it’s just getting hotter, I want AC sorry

              111 year ago

              Pretty sure AC is standard in most (all?) cars sold here so I expect he’ll start trashing us for “spending extra” on motorized windows next

              51 year ago

              No car comes with AN OPTION for AC. He is kinda right you know. No car on the market has equipment so basic it would be unlivable. All come with central locking ac, electric windows, ps, most come with cruise. I can see drivetrain options, but spending 19 grand optioning up a Mirage is just mad.

                1 year ago

                According to Kelly Blue Book you are correct:

                Barring an unexpected last-minute change, every mainstream car available for sale in the United States for the 2023 model year will come with standard air conditioning. That’s a first.

                The last holdout was, unsurprisingly, the Jeep Wrangler. For the 2022 model year, buying a brand-new Wrangler without A/C is possible.

            • Oh God I realized you literally have no idea what ACC is and you think it’s AC 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

              Confidentlyincorrect material right there 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

            1 year ago

            What is inaccurate? Care to speak up about what you think I’m wrong about here? You don’t think I can go out and find you a list of base model cars for under 20k?