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Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared to double down on her Hurricane Helene conspiracy theory over the weekend, following up a baseless claim that “they” can control the weather with an assertion that such a scheme might involve lasers.

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    1313 hours ago

    I am a 45 year old white dude, with a 40 year old white wife. We have 3 white children. I don’t fear the rise of hate and fear. But my best friend and his family are black. I think about them, and my gay friends, and I have fear for them. If there ever comes a time that I must pick up a weapon to defend my friends, I will. I do fear another battle against this threat of racism and fascism, but my black friend has enough guns for both of us.

    Rant over. I just hate this shadow of bullshit I live under. The stupidity and willful ignorance.

  • Pasta Dental
    4823 hours ago

    What is it with the USA putting either batshit crazy people or people so fucking old they can’t form a single sentence in power?? She’s the one saying “they control the weather” btw.

      3221 hours ago

      Well you see, back in the 1970s there was a president named Richard Nixon, whom by all accounts WAS popular enough to win the upcoming election. Had he just run a fair campaign, I’m not saying it was in the bag, but he had a very high likelyhood of winning. This was the same president credited with ending the highly unpopular Vietnam War, which was credited as being started by, and escalated by two seperate democrat presidents. Here he was a republican who was ending it. He also created the EPA, which while less important for his campaign, was still a huge talking point. Just running on those two things alone, he’d likely have won.

      Instead of doing that, he attempted to cheat, and install listening devices in his opponents headquarters. He was eventually caught. Now it’s at this point that American culture forever changed.

      See, when he was caught, the republicans COULD have taken the L, punished Nixon, and shown the United States government would not tolerate treason by imprisoning Nixon. That never happened. Instead, the republicans went a different route.

      Nixon stepped down as president, Ford granted him a FULL pardon, and the republicans set about a long term planto make sure their future schemes wouldn’t be held accountable by public opinion in the future.

      So they began policies that lowered education. Years later they started Fox News. They continually year after year cut funding for public education all across the country. They could have chosen to run better candidates, held the position with respect, and came out more respected for having paid the consequences for their actions. Instead, they disregarded any honor our government might have held. They turned it into an us vs them mentality. They tried to, and achieved skirting all responsibility.

      Now the only thing left to do to solidify this new mentality, is progressively get the general population dumber and dumber so in the future they hold party above country. They did this by killing education for the masses, slowly over time so nobody noticed a sizable shift. They began their own news channel with the sole intent on telling their audience that they’re the good guys, and democrats are the bad guys.

      The problem with this logic is that democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin. That coin being America. So by hurting democrats, you’re hurting America, and the coin falls. It doesn’t strengthen the republican side to hurt the democrats. It just hurts America, including the democrats. But after literal decades and generations of brainwashing, they’re treating politics as a sports game. MY side won, so YOUR side lost! Except that’s not how that works. They’re blind to the fact that yes the democrats lost, but so did republicans. They don’t understand that their policies (like anti-abortion) are leading to things like higher taxes to pay for welfare (due to a higher percentage of unwanted children born to parents who aren’t ready to be parents).

      The more they push their guys, the more they can’t see that their guys are hurting their own lives, and creating problems they claim to be against.

      So they blame the democrats for their problems, because it SURELY couldn’t be their own people causing problems. And that causes them to go even MORE extreme on their candidates.

      And now you got people like MTG, who I’m fairly convinced is just trolling her own base at this point, but her base is too stupid to get it, because the plan 50 years ago worked so well.

      And that’s where we are. A nation of nutjobs with daily public shootings, who won’t admit that gun control is a solvable issue. Especially since we’re the ONLY nation with this problem.

      You don’t hear Canada shooting up movie theaters. If England had a public shooter they’d politely wait in line, and take turns.

        316 hours ago

        If Dobbs continues to be the law of the land for any real length of time, we can also expect crime rates to rise in 18 to 20 years, just as they fell in the same time frame after Roe. But I’m sure the GOP is already planning to spin that as the Democrats’ fault, too.

      313 hours ago

      I dont think she actually believes in those conspiracy theories, she just hopes her followers believe her

    • Boozilla
      1622 hours ago

      Very few sane people want to hold office. The truth of the job is that it’s almost nonstop fundraising. The system is intentionally broken to keep money in power.

      421 hours ago

      Pobody’s nerfect. She’s more of a smokescreen for others in her party so they can keep on doing shady shit while she makes headlines with a pants-on-head-stupid quote of the day (plus a hint of dogwhistle to harvest outrage clicks).

        514 hours ago

        But she was elected directly by actual people, wasn’t she? It’s not like she was put in an office by her party alone, people voted for her - as far as I remember even after the Jewish space laser incident.

        And that’s fucking scary. I don’t think the smoke screen theory is wrong, but it seems more like a collateral benefit. People in the US are stupid, brainwashed or insane enough to elect a person like her into a position of power.

      313 hours ago

      Reminder: none of the currently available methods of cloud seeding are proven to work.

      Yes, it all works in theory and in the lab, but in practice we have no idea if cloud seeding “makes it rain” or if it would have rained anyway (to make a long story very short).

      So take anything anyone says about “them making it rain” with, like, two grains of salt.

      817 hours ago

      It also isn’t going to make a cloud produce rain if it wasn’t going to anyway. It’s just an attempt to get it started early.

        316 hours ago

        A big enough laser pointed at the ocean would probably get a hurricane started; just gotta get enough moisture and heat into the air.

        Now, powering the thing would be tricky, and doing it all unnoticed…

    • FuglyDuck
      3723 hours ago

      Sadly, we can’t. The damage she does as a US congress person is immense.

        822 hours ago

        Why is anyone listening to her, though? According to her followers, her vagina should be shooting out babies like an AK when it’s not making sandwiches.

        • FuglyDuck
          421 hours ago

          thanks for that image.

          in any case, her base listens to her because she spews out the same shit they do, and votes the way they want her to vote.

          I don’t listen to her- I pay attention, but I don’t go along with her bullshit, either. But if she could, she’d retconn all the stupid shit she’s said to try and get back into committees and stuff. The antidote to that is paying the fuck attention and keeping her bullshit front and center until she goes away.

      • Carighan Maconar
        322 hours ago

        Yeah but this is partially because in the US congress, people don’t just take a water bottle and hit their neighbour over the head with it, no matter how much they ought to. It could fix a fair few issues. Or a briefcase in the japanese version I think? Was it a briefcase?

        • FuglyDuck
          21 hours ago

          Congresscritters like her make think of the old school congressional duels.

        22 hours ago

        Not so much. They won’t let her dumbass on a single committee, and that’s where the power lies. She’s never wrote, let alone passed, any legislation. All she gets to do is vote on the same stuff the everyone else does.

        If we gotta have a Republican in that seat, at least it’s a powerless dipshit.

        • FuglyDuck
          21 hours ago

          If we start ignoring heels, she can launder her reputation and get back into those committees.

      523 hours ago

      I used to think that was the best approach too, but idiots like her, boebert, and trump need to live under a microscope before their crazy ideas are acted on.

  • trainsaresexy
    417 hours ago

    Aren’t they just trying to get into the news and aren’t we supporting those goals by talking about it here?

    Genuinely don’t want to block this community but I’m on a 2 strike policy for this stuff. Don’t need it in my life. Don’t care.

    -218 hours ago

    Okay but “they” can control the weather?

    It’s called “climate change” aka “global warming” (or as MTG would call it, “fake science”). It’s not very precise, but “bigger hurricanes” was definitely one of the expected results.

    Also “they” is of course pretty much everyone, but mostly capitalists (aka liberals). And conservatives (“conservative liberals?”) like MTG are the most to blame (at least in the US).