Trump had announced a plan to release info on alleged election interference.
Crazy that doubling down and attacking everyone worked for him for nearly 8 decades, that is all he knows, and the feedback loop proved him that the more brazen he is, the better the result.
Thing is, I think for the the first time and his life this is gonna backfire hard. He could have done all this criming, he was probably fine even after the coup, and he could have gone in the sunset with his millions and his shitty consequence-free life. But he just can’t help it, he’s been a fucking ass for 8 decades he can’t just stop. He’s obviously past the point of weighting different strategies or anything, he just attacks. Federal judge? Sure. Prosecutor? Sure. Mess and impede a federal investigation? Sure. The “off” switch stopped working a long time ago. He’s no longer considering the feedback from his actions. He will attack the judges and keep digging his grave until he’s physically removed from society, like an asylum patient.
I haven’t seen any evidence he will ever face consequences. I hope I’m wrong.
He faces 91 felony count. No offence directly to you but I see this comment a lot. This is plenty of “evidence” that he is about to pay, saying otherwise is basically denial at this point. Sure it could fail, anything can happen. But saying there is no evidence is pretending this is similar to being denounced by the media, or congress, or a civil lawsuit. This is the most concrete, evidency thing that could possibly be happening right now, in this timeline. He’s being smited by the country judicial power.
I think the thing that makes people think that is he’s still running around the country, amping up his cult with the wounded lamb routine. Anyone else facing 91 counts would already be behind bars. Justice had been coming for so long, most of us don’t think it will ever get to the station.
It is a staggering number, but since none are for violent crimes, I wouldn’t expect him to be jailed pending trial. Heck, they let Elizabeth Holmes stay out for quite a while after her conviction.
Pure speculation, but I think they’re giving him rope on purpose. Rule #1 in a trial is to shut up because it makes your case harder otherwise. Intimidating the witness is definitely something that can play in his favour, but he’s doing it overtly on the internet, on top of saying crazy shit that has is absolutely helping the prosecution for free.
Sure, but whether he wait in jail or not has little impact on the final verdict. People think that this is a sign of a sympathetic judge, but really the reason why they’re so prudent, why it took so long, and why they’re making such grand efforts to go easy on him is because they want to take absolutely 0 risks. It is all coldly planned, they’re patient and he’s gonna end up in a cell (not in general pop prison, but in a cell regardless, with a bed and a toilet.)
I mean, I can’t tell the future, but I think I’ve had a good track record about trump so far. To me, it seems obvious that his power and influence already failed him. Influent people get away from it all by avoiding investigations, and/or avoiding prosecution by a sympathetic AG, and/or by making a deal with the DOJ, and/or by having the case dismissed. None of this is happening, and short of SCOTUS saving his ass (won’t happen), he’s out at the mercy of the jurors. There is no way out of 91 criminal charges, it is absolutely overkill.
I hope you’re right. I’m generally an optimistic person, but in this, it’s difficult to maintain a positive outlook anymore.
Call me when he goes to jail. That is the only thing that can possibly count as a consequence.
It’s a long walk from charged to convicted, and another long walk to serving a sentence. I’ve seen enough ‘ordinary’ politicians not convicted, overturned on appeal, or otherwise nullified to have confidence that a Trump-level cult leader, with literal militia backing, will sit in a prison cell before he dies.
I’m hoping. I’m shopping for a celebration bottle. But I’m not betting my 401k.
As a group, world leaders (even former world leaders), don’t tend to face serious consequences for their actions, except, ironically enough, in the case of violent coups.
What it seems like we normally see is that they’re either put on house arrest or they leave the country and live out the rest of their years in exile. Genocidal madmen seem to get away with murder. I think Trump will, at worst, be put on house arrest. I would love nothing more for him to face serious prison time, but given how world leaders are usually treated with kid gloves, I doubt it.
Nobody can read the future, but I wonder if those put on house arrest typically face this deluge of criminal charges, or criminal charges at all. I have a feeling other members of the ruling class are not accepting trump as one of them. He’s treated with kid gloves because of his supporters, not because they’re protrcting him.
I could use some copium, can someone name for me any figure of America’s right wing that has ever faced criminal consequences for the crimes they committed? I want to read a Wikipedia page of delicious justice.
Only 1 of the 46 presidents of the USA was ever criminally charged, 91 times. I think most people don’t realize that it never get to that point. Having this many charge means he failed to save himself. Now it is just a matter of watching his downfall, in very slow motion, but still, the destination remains settled.
I think he’s saying he hasn’t seen any evidence that his past activities have lead to any repercussions for him. Not that the evidence against him now is invalid.
Yes you have. It’s just been clouded by your opinion.
No, I haven’t. He keeps getting away with shit.
He hasn’t gotten away with anything…. We haven’t reached the trial stage of ANY of his indictments. Lighten up and have some patience.
He’s Ronald Reagan, except this time there isn’t a Nancy in place to tell the secret service to fill the pool with leaves.
He doesn’t have alzheimers, people with that don’t make threats to people. He’s a mob boss and grifter, that’s it.
First I heard about this
You guys keep forgetting that in Trumps mind he is still the rightful king of America.
Doesn’t matter what he thinks he is. As long as he does the thinking in prison.
deleted by creator
I think this confirms Trump will 100% move forward with the conference. If it’s wrong, count him in!
This could be seen as a “I have the proof my people, but I’m not allowed to share it, the deep state is keeping it hidden, but I’ll release it in two weeks anyway”. (Trump time two weeks never happens)
Two weeks. Just like his infrastructure plan, his health care plan, and the proof that Barack Obama’s birth certificate was faked. It’s all coming in two weeks!
That’s exactly what this is.
He’s doing this because of the Republican Debate which is like two days later. “Governor DeSantis, former president Trump gave a press conference laying out what he claimed was conclusive evidence that the Georgia election was stolen. Have you reviewed that evidence and do accept that the Georgia election was rigged and Trump in fact won in that state?”
A (arguably wide, depending on the poll) majority of Republican voters believe Trump won in 2020 and the election was stolen. Republican candidates have been trying to walk a very fine line of not pissing off the Republican base they need to win the primary by saying Trump is wrong, but also not committing to the stolen election theory which they know is toxic in a general election. So when asked if Biden won they say things like “Biden is the current president.” What happens at debates is the moderators tend to focus in on the news of the day. Trump’s indictment is news of the day, but all the Republican candidates are very practiced at ignoring the substance of the charges and instead answering with generic “Biden is weaponizing the Justice Department” bullshit nonanswers. What Trump is doing is making the election fraud claims the “news of the day,” forcing candidates to specifically deal with the claims of rigging, and any attempt to deflect to complaining about the Justice System will be a dodge so obvious even mouth breathing Republican primary voters will recognize it. In short, Trump is fucking with the other candidates.
And legally, it’s not a bad play. He’s already fucked on the facts and law, I think he’s correct that his best chance of avoiding jail time is winning the presidency. Even with a Georgia conviction, I wouldn’t put it past SCOTUS to say a sitting President can’t serve jail time for state crimes, or some other wacky shit. All in all, doing this bullshit press conference may actually be a “smart” move from his perspective.
Trump steps up to the podium with a folder of documents. As he opens it, he fumbles it with his cocktail weenie fingers, spilling out across the stage previously unknown Top Secret documents
“Uhhhhh. You were not supposed to see that.”
runs away
Such an exaggeration!
This fantasy you’ve written assumes he has a smidgen of shame. And we all know that isn’t even remotely true.
I just declassified that!
It also assumes he can run.
You lost us at “runs”.
Yeah. I should have put slowly waddles away
No, it was the previous line, where he cares about who sees what.
Alternatively, all blank documents works too.
Nooo… Please… Somebody stop him… Don’t go on national TV to provide more evidence to be used against you…
Eh, no, don’t interrupt byour enemy when he’s about to smear shit in his eyes, or something like that…
If you sign up to be his legal advisor he’ll ignore your advice, push you to do things that will damage your reputation and/or violate the law, publicly insult you if you quit or refuse to do those things, and won’t pay you for your work. Most white-shoe law firms want nothing to do with him at this point but he somehow keeps finding qualified counsel. It’s weird.
Qualified is being generous.
Yeah. Some of them seem to have gotten their law degree out of a claw machine at Chuck E. Cheese.
It must certainly be attracting a very special kind of people right now. People crazy enough or power hungry to the point of self-destructing for the guy.
Bunch of idiots thinking “I can fix him 🥺”
But if you want to get rid of your license he’s a relatively safe bet.
“I’d love to show you the report, it’s beautiful, and perfect, and it shows in so many ways how I’m innocent of all charges. My lawyers wept when they, true story! My lawyers were VISIBLY WEEPING as they read it. VISIBLY! But now, on the advice of those lawyers, I can’t release it to you. I CAN’T! I want to, but I can’t. They tell me it would tell these evil, nasty, prosecutors too much about our defense, so, you know, we can’t have that.”
That’s a good Trump!
Also, the report is in Canada.
So after 5 or 6 dozen law suits that failed to show any evidence of election problems, he suddenly has a detailed report on it that he’s withheld for how long now?
Wouldn’t that make him an accomplice?
Attorneys: it’s Shut The Fuck Up Friday!!
“and it ain’t even friday! that’s how bad you need to shut the fuck up!”
Am an attorney, this is the best legal advice there is. Not just for Trump, but for any client. If you need legal help: shut up, go to a lawyer, talk to the lawyer, and then shut up again. Do not just say “oh I just want to say one thing” 47 times. It’s not going to help your case.
“But they said they’d help me out if I told my side of the story! They said they’d put in a good word with the DA for me!”
Which means he will not be doing that under any circumstances.
If Trump were capable of taking advice… He wouldn’t be Trump.
Egg fucking zactly.
Has he ever taken a lawyer’s advice, let alone paid them?
Do it!
*Palpatine voice
No, let the man speak.
They should double down and get him to testify this under oath instead of a press conference
Repudiate the allegations. He ain’t refuting shit.
Refudiate the allegations. He ain’t reputing shit… God it’s so sad I miss the days where Sarah Palin was the worst of the Republican party