Fuck I didn’t think the libs would be able to do it… There’s reactionaries posting shit like… ‘how are we wierd?’ And seemingly genuinely butthurt.
They should have been taking this strategy a long time ago instead of always acting mortified. I think chuds relish when they horrifying the people they don’t like.
As far as I can tell, Patient Zero was Tim Waltz. He said something like “when I get home, I throw a Frisbee for my dog, then rub his belly when he brings it back. Can you imagine any of these guys doing that? They’re just all so weird.” The Democratic machine noticed that this engendered a bunch of
and ran with it.
It probably helps with this image that this guy probably is genuinely the most normal Democrat lol. (Which is why he should probably be the VP pick).
Yup, exactly. It works way better coming from him than from Harris. My money is still on Shapiro as the VP pick though, because he’s the most ghoulish on Palestine.