Fucking sad. So many people hooked by Meta.
Raise your hand if you wondered why there was a huge island off the coast of France, and then realized it was Iceland.
It’s where Plato said Atlantis would be!
Its just not quite three times as big as Africa and Asia combined. And is not in the right place. And is above water.
Another near miss.
Facebook has most of europe by the balls :/
Facebook bought WhatsApp after it was in widespread use. And then it was too inconvenient to switch.
I’ve gotten some people to switch (partially at least) to signal.
Yes, and the perfect example why we will soon live without any privacy.
People basically beg to be fucked and even voluntarily chose bulldshit apps even when better options are openly available for free.
The location of Iceland bothers me, but at least for my country, this map is accurate (Austria)
Interesting - the path of unencrypted messengers between east and west :D
Messenger is encrypted now
Signal anyone?
Signal-FOSS (A fork of Signal without proprietary Google dependencies) https://www.twinhelix.com/apps/signal-foss/
F-droid link: https://f-droid.org/packages/org.thoughtcrime.securesms/
Molly: https://molly.im/
Your link comes up dead.
Hmm @Meldrik@lemmy.wtf … It appears https://Lemmy.wtf has issues serving images right now.
Yea, some images uploaded to Lemmy.wtf seem to suddenly just disappear. I’m on the Matrix channel, trying to figure out why.
This is all I see:
I mean, I live in Morocco so this makes total sense. Not in Europe, no data available.
Sorry about that. Should be fixed now. There is some issue with the handling of images on lemmy.wtf.
It is fixed. Thanks, lemmy.wtf mods.
Pretty sure here in Denmark, most people use Facebook Messenger. Annoyingly so…
Yes the post you posted says that messenger is popular in Denmark.
Guernsey is a lot bigger than I remember
Lol viber? Really?