Louisiana judges can now sentence certain sex offenders to surgical castration, after Gov. Jeff Landry on Tuesday signed a bill into law that creates that penalty.

Offenders who receive such a sentence may refuse the procedure, in which case they would face an additional three to five years in prison.

Senate Bill 371 by Senate President Pro Tempore Regina Barrow, a Baton Rouge Democrat, received bipartisan support in the Legislature.

As Landry signed SB 371 in a ceremony at the Louisiana State Capitol, he sat beside Barrow and state Rep. Delisha Boyd, D-New Orleans.

“This is a method for us to protect our children,” said Boyd, who proposed a bill this year that would have established vasectomies as a form of punishment for sex offenders. House Bill 166 passed the House but then stalled in a Senate committee, failing to make it to Landry’s desk.

  • @dogslayeggs@lemmy.world
    3010 days ago

    What a completely awful way to not address anything other than a desire for vengeance from victims.

    The same dumbass somehow thought a vasectomy would be a punishment for sex offenders?? What the fuck is in the water down there?

    • @lightnsfw@reddthat.com
      59 days ago

      Wtf does a vasectomy even accomplish? Their dick will still work afterwards so it won’t even stop them from re-offending. What is the logic here?

      • @humorlessrepost@lemmy.world
        108 days ago

        What is the logic here?

        “Now the libs can’t bitch about vIcTiMs oF rAPE when they try to kill babies”, probably.

        Source: live in the south

  • @snekerpimp@lemmy.world
    2810 days ago

    Sooooo make someone who has a fucked up itch not able to scratch anything… this is going to turn fucked up people into psycho killers. Public humiliation and punishment would be better than this. Put them in the stocks and let people throw tomatoes and pebbles and shit. Na, let’s cut off their balls. And what about female offenders? You going to just do a full hysterectomy? Just cut out their ovaries? Doesn’t quite work the same way with the opposite gender.

    So most people will just take the jail time…. So why even use that language in the bill?

    • Flying Squid
      1410 days ago

      Oh they’ll still be able to scratch it. Plenty of kids who were sexually assaulted as children can tell you that the person who assaulted them was not using their genitals in any way at the time. It’s not actually about sex, it’s about power. That’s why this will be a complete failure.

  • @dohpaz42@lemmy.world
    2810 days ago

    I am all for finding better ways to tackle sexual assault of any kind. But this is simply too far. As others I. This thread have pointed out: it’s cruel and unusual punishment, and doesn’t address the root of what drives sexual predators.

    I’d like to add a new element to the conversation: wrongful convictions. Everyone already knows that going to jail as a child molester is probably going to end up very badly for them. So I could see people choosing castration as the lesser of two evils.

    The National Registry of Exonerations found that Texas, despite having some of the toughest laws on crime, led the nation with 363 exonerations in the last 30 years. Other top states based on total numbers of exonerations were Illinois, New York, and California. In Louisiana, which had 63 exonerations in that period, New Orleans is said to be the wrongful conviction capital of the U.S.

    (Emphasis mine)


  • Flying Squid
    2710 days ago

    These idiots think pedophilia is about sexual gratification and not power.

  • @DoucheBagMcSwag@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    10 days ago

    This is a setup for project 2025. LGBTQ people will be charged as “sex offenders” next year if trump gets in office.

    Florida already has trigger laws for the death penalty for sex crimes against children (which maggots have already tried to pin that title on drag queens when they were reading to them)

  • @some_guy
    118 days ago

    Definition of cruel and unusual in my book.

  • @jpreston2005@lemmy.world
    1110 days ago

    Methinks he doth protest too much.

    Anyone who loudly proclaims their virtues only ever supplies me reason to question it. How long until landry and barrow themselves are castrated, I wonder.

    • Snot Flickerman
      10 days ago

      Come on, we all know Republicans only make laws for little people. The people in charge are “good” people so they shouldn’t be punished for “minor indiscretions.”

      Rules for thee, not for me. In group that laws protect but do not bind, out group that laws bind but do not protect. Etc. etc. etc.

        • Snot Flickerman
          10 days ago

          And Republicans will selectively apply it only to people they don’t like, yes, exactly my point.

          These “gotcha” bills from Democrats really don’t understand that the “hypocrisy” of Republicans are actually expressions of power.

          “I have the power to sign this bill into law that should and would totally apply to me, but I’m going to make sure I never face consequences under such a law. I have a team of good-old-boy judges who will stand in the way and accept any and all appeals from me.”

          They will never, ever see consequences of such laws. Look at the fucking lawfare every person in the Trump admin has thrown at the wall. It takes fucking decades for any of these chucklefucks to see any comeuppance. Look at Ken Paxton, the AG of Texas, who was under Federal Indictment for nearly a fucking decade and that case collapsed like a flan in a cupboard.

          Further, he’s opening the door to allowing Republicans to begin to claim that LGBTQ+ are sex offenders for existing in front of children, giving them carte blanche to start Alan Turing the shit out of the entire LGBTQ+ community.

          It’s a dumb game to play and the Democratic senator should be ashamed for playing it.