Give us more stuff to spend currencies on! It absolutely sucks when the only things I can earn is experience and super credits, both of which are pointless at this point
Let us donate material to add bonuses to squad impact. Or receive buffs or something.
For instance you could have a set amount required to add SEAF support to a planet, or an extra stratagem. This would even let players bank defense on inactive planets.
Give us more stuff to spend currencies on! It absolutely sucks when the only things I can earn is experience and super credits, both of which are pointless at this point
There should be currency sinks.
Let us donate material to add bonuses to squad impact. Or receive buffs or something.
For instance you could have a set amount required to add SEAF support to a planet, or an extra stratagem. This would even let players bank defense on inactive planets.
I would gladly convert my super rare or rare samples into common samples if there was a way to do it.
Rares ended up being my biggest bottleneck by the end. How many upgrades do you have left?
Like 4 left of the last tier. I went too fast to Helldive difficulty so I ended up with way more rare samples than common.
Yeah being capped out sucks. My monkey brain demands rewards!