How can you only assume you’ll win? It’s not like democrats are willing to play dirty against republicans so there’s no guarantee either. You demand my unquestioned loyalty yet you’re so bad at politicking. Of course, I’m not here to pretend democratic politicians are weak or dumb. They’re just evilly indifferent.

  • RustCat [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Do liberals even believe that Trump is that much of a threat to democracy and the US?

    I’ve been thinking about it, and I kind of wonder, like if you had an absolute and unshakable belief that Trump was going to destroy democracy in the US, and that the destruction of democracy in the US would lead to the destruction of society as a whole.

    Well why hasn’t anyone tried to do anything naughty to Trump yet?

    Of course, if you don’t believe Trump is going to destroy democracy, or if you don’t think that the destruction of democracy is that bad, then who cares. But it seems like liberals truly believe that American society is doomed if Trump is elected, so why haven’t they taken that last step?