• @kmartburrito@lemmy.world
    692 months ago

    $1000 is the maximum contempt of court fine per offense allowed in the state of New York. While this is definitely chump change for trump know that the judge can’t charge him more. At least he’s threatening incarceration.

      • @silence7@slrpnk.netOP
        292 months ago

        They could, but doing that on the 2nd round of contempt charges later this week might reduce the odds of his becoming a martyr over it

          • @xmunk@sh.itjust.works
            222 months ago

            Why? It’s an extremely valid consideration. Politics is all about appearances… if Trump confirms the violation by paying the fine without question then incarceration will be harder to dismiss.

            We’re living in crazy times right now, normal rules don’t really apply and people are just trying to avoid triggering a civil war.

            • We are talking about a literal fascist dictator.

              The person you replied to was certainly rude about it, however the frustration stems from this constant liberal attitude of playing nice, keeping the kid gloves on, letting the SyStEm handle it.

              This strategy has never once worked on conservatives throughout all of recorded history.

              You refuse to realize these people are playing for their right to kill you, like all this is just some difference of personal opinions.

              The 30% that happily watches 30% kill the last 30% never thinks they’ll be in the 30% that stood and waited politely for their turn to die.

              • @Fondots@lemmy.world
                32 months ago

                If you don’t want to let the system handle it, what actions are you personally taking to bring about the change you want to see?

                Because the options are to try to handle this relatively peacefully through the system, or to bypass the system with violent action. The other side has been champing at the bit for decades for an excuse to turn to mass violence, so you might have some catching up to do in terms of organizing support and stockpiling supplies for the coming conflict you seem to want. If that’s the case, probably best to get yourself off Lemmy, don’t want to leave a paper trail, then go out and start hoarding guns and ammo, maybe dig a bunker somewhere.

                • @Daft_ish@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  … skipped a few steps there.

                  It is well within the judges right to incarcerate Trump for contempt. Now, does he refrain because he is waiting until it doesn’t risk a higher court ruling the Judge went beyond his authority and throwing out the case or is he preventing Trump from, “being perceived as a matyr”? I would guess the former. As we’ve just seen with Weinstein, judges can be held accountable if the defendant has the means to endlessly pursue litigation.

                  Now for Trump being seen as a martyr. Who gives a fuck. They already worship the ground he walks on (unless its the Hollywood star) and there is no point trying to appeal to his rabid base. Other than, maybe, avoiding death threats.

      • Buelldozer
        2 months ago

        Couldn’t they just cut to the incarceration?

        Doing so would give grounds to file for a mistrial if / when Trump is convicted and nobody wants that.

          • Buelldozer
            102 months ago

            There’s a normal pattern to how courts work and if a court deviates from that pattern it opens up another avenue for the defense to request a mistrial.

            I get that everyone wants the max penalty straight off the jump when it comes to Trump but its far more important that it be done correctly in order to minimize future problems.

              • @ReallyActuallyFrankenstein@lemmynsfw.com
                2 months ago

                Judges have discretion and discretionary authority to issue contempt, and such orders and penalties are rarely overturned. Most fines and incarceration would definitely happen with less stimulus.

                It’s not fair and it does undermine equal application of justice to not treat Trump like every other petty criminal. The issue is that using every pretext available to delay the trial is Trump’s only game right now, and if you’re playing to win (Trump convicted and/or in jail prior to the election), you don’t give him any pretexts. I get it. It sucks, but it’s the rational move.

          • @WhatAmLemmy@lemmy.world
            2 months ago

            The fine is $1000, so it’s sole purpose is to be a weapon against the working class.

            The system is designed to enable rich criminals to prosper.

  • @REdOG@lemmy.world
    412 months ago

    That’s like charging me $0.90 or $1.80 depending on if I inflate my assets at all

    • @MisterD@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      Yes but it sets legal dominoes in motion in ALL of his cases.

      The bail conditions in ALL his cases include not breaking any laws. Federal, state and local laws.

      He’s now charged with “contempt of court” so he should be getting more orange soon. 🤞

      • Jaysyn
        332 months ago

        I’ll take “More Shit that Won’t Happen” for $600, Alex.

    • @BakerBagel@midwest.social
      192 months ago

      It’s the maximum allowed per offense in New York. But now that he has been fined, the judge can escalate next time he violates the order.

    • Trumps a broke bitch, at the absolute minimum, it’s going to piss him off to the point he’s going to be laying awake raging. Golly, I hope it doesn’t give him a McHeartattack. I want to see him suffer through the rest of the court cases.

    • BolexForSoup
      2 months ago

      I mean, the dude is hemorrhaging money so if he just keeps getting randomly fined over and over again it does add up. If you’ve been reading the news lately, you’ll see there was a pretty common thread that his war chest is getting hit really hard. Plus, they don’t just fine you endlessly. Eventually it’s jail time. Which I also understand why they’re hesitant to do it, because the martyr complex is strong already.

      Privileged or not, most people do not actually get thrown in jail for contempt of court.

  • @Red_October@lemmy.world
    132 months ago

    $9,000? So now contempt of court has a price tag, and it’s one even his fraudulent ass can easily afford. Way to make things worse again, guys.

    • @silence7@slrpnk.netOP
      442 months ago

      It’s the legal maximum fine. Judge can impose jail time, but didn’t this time. There are already four more gag order violations which will be discussed later in the week.

      • @Fapper_McFapper@lemm.ee
        182 months ago

        I think they haven’t imposed jail time on this fucking traitor because they don’t want to turn him into a martyr. I truly believe Trump wants to go to jail so he can fundraise from there. As much as I’d like to see him behind bars, I don’t want it to be a three week stint. If we’re going to put him in jail it needs to be for the rest of his life. Make El Chapo his cell mate. That would be nice.

    • Veraxus
      92 months ago

      That’s like fining a normal person a nickle.

      Why aren’t these things based on net worth? These systems are so broken.

  • @randon31415@lemmy.world
    112 months ago

    If Trump gets jail time, it should be from right before the nomination to after the day of the election. Since he can only be jailed one month per offense, I would hold off on jail until he can’t get out before the election. Ideally, the first time Trump sees prison should be after a jury conviction - as he has already set up a “woe is me, the judge is a liberal plant” defense if the jailing comes purely under the discretion of judge.

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      102 months ago

      joke’s on you imagining there’s a circumstance in which he’d simply accept responsibility for the constant parade of crimes he commits. he’s gonna whine and play victim no matter how obviously guilty he is or how much preferential treatment he’s received.

    • @silence7@slrpnk.netOP
      52 months ago

      It won’t be timed like that due to his currently pending contempt charges — it’ll look like 30 days or less, happening in May.

  • @bquintb@midwest.social
    52 months ago

    Wen jail?

    Seriously, BFD. 9k is nothing and he won’t go to jail even though he should already be there.

  • @KevonLooney@lemm.ee
    22 months ago

    Prosecutors are walking Keith Davidson through his text messages with Dylan Howard, who was editor of The National Enquirer, in which Davidson tells Howard: “I have blockbuster Trump story.” In his reply, Howard asked, “did he cheat” on Melania.

    Lol. The head of the National Enquirer was told there was a blockbuster story about Trump and he just assumed Trump had cheated on Melania. Or as Trump calls her: “Melanie”.

  • Bipta
    02 months ago

    We’re doomed. If it’s not fascism, it’s bird flu. Really it’s probably both.