“He was trying to tell them that he was a doctor and probably trying to tell him who he was, to be honest. And they were screaming that they did not effing care who he was,” she said. “And the next thing I knew, they had him on the ground, grabbed him by the shirt, threw him on the ground, face first into the concrete and had him in cuffs.”
Ronny Jackson was Trump’s White House doctor who proclaimed “He has incredibly good genes, and it’s just the way God made him,”
He then ran for office.
So no, don’t expect Rep. Jackson ® to call for any type of change based on his brush with police brutality.
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I’m not sure that Republicans are capable of self-reflection or empathy.
No, but they sometimes change their stance when it personally affects them.
But he will most likely continue to be a walking hypocrite.
He’s probably just pissed off that they treated him like a black guy.
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It’s the only time they change their stance.
Money changes thier stance too.
Narrator: He isn’t.
The absolute hubris of those officers to show up to a scene without a damned clue as to what’s going on and take over. If they haven’t already, they’re gonna get someone killed.
Spoiler alert: they have
there was a study about natural disasters that concluded letting people involved in the problem resolve it was best, outside authority bogged down decision making and their need to establish control over providing support was detrimental to the situation
They say a liberal is a conservative who once got arrested. Will Congressman Jackson maybe realize that police sometimes overstep their bounds and need accountability? Or did he learn nothing?
Then again he’s Trump’s loyal follower, he probably is upset the cops treated him like a black guy.
I’ve heard it the other way: that a conservative is a liberal who once got mugged…I like yours better
Surely the leopards won’t eat my face!
Says the Representative working for the party of Leopards Who Eat Faces! 😁
The police need better training is dealing with people and deescalating problems. There is no reason to strong arm every one and be so aggressive.
I don’t disagree but states like Washington that have long mandated de-escalation training still have this same shit happening. The nature of policing in a capitalist state leads police to view the public as the enemy. Their job is to uphold the status quo, which is structural inequality. Individual cops are still individuals, of course. They just have to swim against the tide of how their job and the culture within departments shapes them.
The police need better purpose. Despite slogans, they don’t exist to “protect and serve” the communities they patrol, and they never have. They exist to protect rich property owners from the masses. One of the best ways of doing that is by making the masses afraid of the ownership class’s pitbulls.
Doesn’t help that the supreme court protects both their ignorance of the law and specifically stated multiple times they are not bound by any duty that even closely resembles “protect and serve”.
It says something about civic engagement that none of the cops recognized him.
Ronny Johnson is a drunk quack, they absolutely did the right thing by nuking that asshole
A drunk quack with a medical license, still more qualified to assist in a medical emergency than any cop.
Regardless of his addictions or opinions, he is a doctor and therefore much more suited to first aid than any of the cops that showed up just to beat someone up
Crackhead Versus ACAB. Fight!
How anyone can justify police acting this way in general, but definitely for a medical emergency is beyond me.
Me sowing: Me reaping: