Fuck these cunts
Fuck these cunts
Doood! I’ve never heard of them before. This is great!
Ooohhh! Thank you for these!
I appreciate you. Thank you!
My homies!
I second this! Do I hear a third?
Why? WHY!
How is someone’s life so small that they spend their time getting angry about another person’s differently-colored skin‽ Or their goddamn genitals!
I hope the next plague kills us all. We don’t deserve the beauty of life.
Trump’s ‘worst decision,’
That’s fucken rich
Fuck we are failing our citizens! Our friends!
I don’t kill kids to make my matzah I just happen to find lots of dead children. Sheesh!
Does that mean I can halt my tax payment to the IRS?
I’d laugh, but I may end up crying.
Wouldn’t it be great if they just… broke each other? Or, is this how they become self-aware? I’m not so keen on the latter.
The visual I just got of Tucker Carlson licking Vladimir Putin’s asshole is… not my favorite way to wake up. 🤣😁🤢
I am desperately holding on to temps just under 30 rn. I am never ready for winter to end.
This fucking cunt is gonna ruin us
So much fun! Like a hot poker up my asshole.
This timeline blows, guys
Fuck that management team!