• @DaddleDew@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    This is something that sneaks up on you as well. And all that started a few years ago when I finally decided to get myself my first smartphone and tried to optimize data usage and battery life. I then realized that not only some apps and “system processes” were using battery and data when not in use, but that there wasn’t even given a way for me to stop it from happening. I also got creeped out when I moved to work in another building and Facebook started giving me friend suggestions of people who worked there. Location wasn’t even enabled on my phone.

    And now today I have no mainstream social media account, run GrapheneOS on my phone, Linux on my computer and have migrated to almost entirely FOSS software and apps. I have become the crazy privacy obsessed weirdo.

    • Richard
      41 month ago

      Not a weirdo. It is the only reasonable thing to do. Unfortunately, many people lack education about the true extent of mass surveillance / profiling and the potential massive repercussions that it can have for society à la Nineteen Eighty-Four.

    • @Bytemeister@lemmy.world
      21 month ago

      Facebook started giving me friend suggestions of people who worked there. Location wasn’t even enabled on my phone.

      Some devices will still passively check SSIDs, even with WiFi “off”, then they just look for users who have similar nearby wireless networks.

      Bluetooth? Maybe even ultrasound to detect nearby devices?

      I don’t think you can have privacy online anymore. The best thing you can do is make a lot of noise, so it’s hard to determine what data is real, and who it belongs to.

  • @afk_strats@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Edit: thank you for those in reply who helped to “annotate” this meme

    The software pictured are:

    1. graphene os
    2. new pipe
    3. Signal
    4. MPV
    5. libre wolf
    6. KeepassXC
    7. Aurora Store
    8. fdroid
    9. Free Tube

    Bonus. tux

    • Synapse
      371 month ago
      1. GrapheneOS: custom Android ROM with harden security and de-googled
      2. New Pipe: YouTube app, let’s you play video in the background and other cool features
      3. Signal: privacy and security focused messaging app
      4. MPV: video player, supports all the codecs you will ever need, very lightweight
      5. Libre wolf: Firefox with harden security and privacy
      6. KeepassXC: password manager
      7. Aurora Store: frontend for Google Play store, you can download and manage apps without a Google account
      8. FDroid: app store for Free Open Source Software apps
      9. (Free tube: another client for YouTube as but I am not familiar with this one)
      • @afk_strats@lemmy.world
        171 month ago

        I specifically didn’t list Tux as “Linux” because I thougt that would get me in trouble in this community

    • @Petter1@lemm.ee
      1 month ago

      The other software companies are

      1. Amazon
      2. Google
      3. discord
      4. Reddit
      5. Meta
      6. Apple
      7. Google


    • @atmur@lemmy.world
      41 month ago

      MPV (Video player), Aurora Store (Google Play frontend). The last one looks familiar but I can’t quite place it.

  • Kiwi
    521 month ago

    Every day I slowly become more of a paranoid Schizophrenic

    • Possibly linux
      01 month ago

      Steam is bad for your freedom. However I’m sure that you already know that.

      I will point out that your “Anti Commercial AI license” is hopefully legally invalid as if it were valid it would mean that people could license comments under whatever license including putting arbitrary restrictions that could be enforced by suing. I get what your trying to do but there is probably a better way.

      • @bitfucker@programming.dev
        11 month ago

        Well, depends on the platform no? Terms of service usually include the term for user generated content. For big companies, those terms usually include you forfeit or give the company the right to use it however they please. When you use their service the moment you register, you also agree to that term. But yeah, I don’t know how it will work on a federated system.

  • @supangle@lemmy.wtf
    231 month ago

    i already fear that there will be car companies on the left. teslas can see through the cameras

  • @caustictrap@lemmy.world
    81 month ago

    Os everyone here on graphene OS or other linux privacy phones? Or you guys only draw the line when it comes to desktop OS?

    • @Evkob@lemmy.ca
      81 month ago

      I got a Pixel specifically to install GrapheneOS on it after going on a huge FOSS/privacy kick last year (coincidentally around the same time I joined Lemmy…)

    • Possibly linux
      1 month ago

      I’m on Lineage OS

      I love my phone and I’m planning on keeping it until it dies. Lineage OS allows me to have the latest version of Android that is patched.

      • @lens17@feddit.de
        71 month ago

        I’m having some conflicts when it comes to lineage and similar OS. While, yes, they might be better from a privacy perspective (if you put the effort into it) and allow you to keep your phone longer, I simply do not trust that the OS can’t be tampered with. For many devices, there is a single person maintaining that version of lineage. Who guarantees that they don’t pipe important information to some server in a more or less clever way? This should not be misunderstood as an argument for closed source. The problems I’m having with this type of open source is that the code differs from device to device, it is (at least as far as I know) possible to change enough of the code to become malicious while adapting it to another device, I don’t have the capacities to make sure that the code is actually safe, and they are not regularly audited. Hell, in some cases they are even provided without checksums. So you trade the spying eyes against a possible barn door of insecurities.

        Therefore, I much rather use audited ROMs like Graphene or Calyx, but they (mostly) require a device from the company that I am trying to avoid. It’s such a weird situation…

        • @hangonasecond@lemmy.world
          11 month ago

          Re: your last paragraph -

          Think of it this way. Google pulls in 300 billion USD a year and 80% of that is advertising revenue, not leaving a whole lot of the pie for Pixel phones once you take out subscriptions, Chromebooks, GCP, etc etc.

          Sure, they’re probably making some money on every pixel sale but the point of them making mobile phones is to support their advertising business.

          I’m not a Graphene user, but that’s the way I see it. At the end of the day if you get the phone secondhand you’re not giving them any money at all.