So let me get this straight.
- Republicans realize they can court religious nuts by switching their position to anti-choice
- Religious nuts start switching sides to the Republican party
- The entire rest of the country thinks this is toxic like polonium, starts abandoning the party
- Rather than change their policy planks, Republicans decide to try to brainwash the rest of the country into being anti-choice too
What will this fix, for them? I guess I’m confused.
Tl;Dr: its mostly religious lunacy, bigotry and sadism
It’s all about forcing white women to produce more white conservative babies to swell their ranks while keeping people of color down by forcing them to have a bunch of children they can’t afford to give a good life.
And the demonizing of sex for pleasure, of course.
At least those are the obvious motivations. There’s also the fact that many of them are megalomaniacal sadists who get off on hurting and controlling people, especially women, and don’t much care about anything beyond that.
I hear what you are saying, but propaganda works.
Yeah I know. Much better than most people think, unfortunately 😮💨
You missed a couple steps.
4 is actually: Religious nuts take over the party. Internal insanity increases, and is increasingly unchecked.
5: During Obama and Trump, even the Republicans are amazed at how well Fox and others are at propagandizing and convincing people. That means their ideology can go full lies, which is what we now see.
After decades of brainwashing people with the most insane shit, the inmates are finally running the asylum
It’s begun.
It began several years ago with trans health care. Trans folks warned y’all this was coming, but you chose not to listen.
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👨🚀🔫👨🚀 Always has been.
What could we do to like send this guy to the sun or some other place? I don’t think we need this sort of chicanery here.
Tell him about the giant space goat that’s going to eat the earth, but he can escape on a special spaceship.
Well, the simplest conception way was to launch a big ass rocket retrograde and let it fall into the sun.
More effecient would be to do a Venus flyby.
Personally, though, I’d say drop them in an earth trailing orbit, with a big solar sail. Use it to slowly reduce their orbit until it falls in.
Give them enough food, air, and water to survive the trip. Maybe in a completely isolated pod, maybe with a certain handful of others.
Also maybe live stream that shit.
Why waste air, food or water on Charlie Kirk? He’s absolutely unnecessary. It’s like somebody left a stove on one time in 85 and now we have this dunce. He’s a sad accident that should have been prevented, but now he’s here inconveniencing everybody like a rock in our collective shoe. I wish there was a checkbox on my tax forms to get rid of this unfortunate accident of a person.
what? you don’t want to see a bunch of assholes go all Lord-of-the-Flies-in-Space on each other?
yeah. neither do I but I bet it’d generate a lot of proceeds until people learned were donating to school lunches and LGBTQ+ stuff and women’s rights stuff and… whatever else we can…
But you’re right, of course. WE should probably just drop them in a pit and get the same effect.
We all knew this was coming after the success of abortion bans. Shameless.
Anything to control women
* females
That’s definitely also conditioning them to oppose female suffrage
To be fair, Emma Goldman called that shit.
You lost me at “females” Kirk. Talking like they’re science specimens.
Isn’t this the natural progression of they’re gonna get hounded about sex and gender being different?
I can imagine the sentiment might be “ok, we’ll start referring to sex specifically.” And why shouldn’t they if that’s what they mean?
Well in that case using just “female” is ambiguous. Are they banning female horses from breeding also? All female animals?
When speaking publicly I imagine someone would think about possible misinterpretations. Wouldn’t using “Woman” fare better?
I didn’t see this mentioned in the article, but I skimmed parts of it. Do they realize that preventing pregnancy isn’t the only reason people use birth control? Are they planning on making medical exceptions? Let me be clear, it’s still hugely fucked up either way; I’m just curious.
I took BC for several years for my endometriosis, and I knew several friends who were prescribed it as teens to treat similar conditions. And sometimes they didn’t have a specific diagnosis, but they just had especially painful or frequent/heavy periods. Apart from that, aren’t there certain medical treatments that require you to take birth control for x number of weeks bc they could harm a potential fetus? I can’t remember a specific example.
And, yeah, preventing pregnancy is pretty damn important too. Fuck those guys.
Do they realize that preventing pregnancy isn’t the only reason people use birth control?
They don’t care
Are they planning on making medical exceptions?
Source: see abortion bans. Women with unviable pregnancies that will kill them can’t get abortions. Control is the entire point.
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There will be no exceptions in Gilead.
An extremely painful/heavy/frequent period is exactly what they want to happen. The cruelty is the point.
aren’t there certain medical treatments that require you to take birth control for x number of weeks bc they could harm a potential fetus? I can’t remember a specific example.
Accutane. It’s based on vitamin A and will do all sorts of nasty stuff to fetuses.
Also to your skin. I was dried out for like 5+ years
That’s for serious cystic acne though isn’t it?
The alternative would be incredibly oily skin, then, right?
I had acne as a kid but not that bad. Tetracycline or Erythromycin were enough for them. Still, I’d see that like “dressing in layers”. Just like you can always add more layers but there’s a point where you can’t take them off…it’s probably easier to re-moisturize dry skin than to de-lipidize oily skin.
Idk, it wasnt super crazy, but I had tried a broad spectrum antibiotic that didn’t do much, so a dermatologist recommended acutane. It worked
In the video, in the link, he mentioned that birth control pills were used for all sorts of other things besides preventing pregnancy, like helping with acne amongst others. I wish I could quote you what he said, but I refuse to listen to it again, it’s infuriating.
Anyways, point is, he knows and he believes all it’s uses are wrong.
Wonderful. /s
But thanks. And it only makes it more ironic what he’s complaining about, because personally, getting my hormones under control made me way more emotionally stable.
My condition was absolutely debilitating – I ended up doing 7th grade online at home, and it was miserable. If this idiot wants to take away medication that can keep a kid out of pain, I’d like to be first in line to personally rip his head off.
I’ll add, the alternatives for 15 y/o me would have been stronger pain medication, or surgery. (…I mean, I switched to testosterone hrt after turning 18, and I guess you could consider that an option since it does stop periods. But somehow I doubt more trans people is what he wants lmao.)
The Pill can in fact alter the smell based preferences of women, which temporarily alters mating preference. This is due to the pill simulating the hormones of pregnancy, as part of its mechanism of action.
However, I don’t believe this is what Republicans are referring to, as in The Salon article Charlie Kirk is talking about it causing “brain damage”.
No they’re just being possessive and controlling assholes, as usual. They’re anti-freedom.
Anecdotally pills can also alter behaviour and personality somewhat. Especially the megadose hormones like Depo-provera, that stuff messed up a girl I was dating long ago. Turned her into an emotional wreck. I would actually support not a ban, but warnings and restrictions on that particular product.
I’ve always felt that choices like the Mirena IUD should be promoted over systemic hormones, my ex-wife was very happy with them over the years and we agreed we’ll be offering our daughter the option as soon as she gets her first period. For some reason they seem to push the Pill instead.
I know some people have issues with IUDs but if they work for you they really work. Her hormones changed and she went asexual after kids, but she still maintains an IUD just for the greatly diminished cramping and bleeding.
Just FYI, before you offer it to your kid, please do significant research. They’re constantly getting better, so by then it may be fine, but non hormonal IUDs have been linked with hella scarring in the past.
We did a ton of research when my wife first got one, I studied biochem so figured I could assess the situation fairly well.
Non-hormonal are awful and I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone. Mirena on the other hand does release hormones, but in small enough quantity that the effects are basically topical - localized to the uterus and serum concentrations are barely affected compared to pills or shots.
I brain farted and thought mirena was the copper one. Thank god, I thought you were super attached to giving an eleven year old a non hormonal iud. I had a state university clinician tell me that I was a conspiracy theorist for thinking there could be scarring and straight up pressure me to let her insert it, so I assume someone out there is recommending them to people.
Yikes, I can’t imagine who would recommend copper unless someone had a bad reaction to the hormonal type. The mode of action is totally different, with hormonal suppressing the whole cycle and copper being more like a continuous abortion.
My wife didn’t have a period for years aside from some occasional spotting with Mirena, I figure if we can save my daughter a decade of cramping and bleeding by offering her one young, the birth control is almost a happy side effect.
There are non-hormonal IUDs to but apparently they aren’t as effective, at least according to my SIL and my new niece (I know that’s a sample of one but I’m pretty sure I know at least other unexpecteds as a result of copper IUD)
The hormones in Mirena are in a low enough dosage that they only affect the uterine lining rather than have a systematic effect. It’s the clear choice as non-hormonal (i.e. copper) have the opposite side effect profile. Heavy periods, cramping, other undesirable effects
Ok why do conservatives hate having sex wtf sex that doesn’t end with a baby if one is off life’s best things
People don’t desire sex with them. They may be able to coerce (religion) or get sex through power (money/influence), but they aren’t generally sexually appealing.
Modern women are financially independent (in fact, they’re more educated than men nowadays) and are now far less likely to be tied down and dependent on a man by accidental pregnancies (widespread contraceptives + access to abortions)
Getting a stable 9 to 5 won’t result in a wife landing in your lap any more, women will choose to be single over dating a boring shit head, so all the boring shit heads are reeling at the fact that they now have to offer more to the relationship than just financials, and they’re consistently voting for policy that attempts to “put women back in their place” (ie dependent on them for money)
This is pure cope.
If you don’t already know about it, search up tradwife culture. Some weirdo women like that sort of thing.
We can hate conservatives for the kind of world we know they want to bring about but we have to acknowledge the fact that some women are equally as stupid so as to want the same.
Jokes on them I’ve been angry for a long time without birth control.
So are these Republicans going to go after vasectomies? Haven’t heard a peep about them, even though they are rising.
What could be the difference? What could it possibly be?
No, because how can you control women with vasectomies? It’s not about birth control, or “screwing up female brains” or whatever else is being shit out of their mouths. It is, and always has been, about the control of women. The cruelty is a feature, not a bug
Don’t you blame magrats for this shit, the republicans were doing just fine on their own and have been since regan
Yep, that sounds like Charlie Kirk seeking coverage.
Ba birth control. Dare ya. Wait till these guys find out that women won’t have sex with them any longer.
Won’t have consensual sex with them any longer.
Which isn’t the kind they like anyway.
I read an article (and I think I posted it somewhere on Lemmy) a couple days ago about how mega-churches brainwash women into submitting to anything their husband requests. It goes hand in hand with this stuff
Cults do be rapey. Kind of a classic.
The more reproductive health care becomes unavailable, the less sex men will get.
That sounds like a recruitment tactic for the party of impotent rage.
that sounds like you’re trying to describe Democrats? Because Republicans would be the party of impotence and rage, I think. 🤔
I would bet $20 this is bullshit. Even a ban on sex wouldn’t stop it in any meaningful amout