Hello again! Please share whatever you feel like sharing. Your posts are what makes this community awesome :)
Stressed about money, but also did a day trip up to Milwaukee with my friends to play board games yesterday! I got some gigs on the calendar, but need more students since they seem to just be dropping off this month.
I’m having a friend come over tonight, although I usually find them really tough to really engage with since they tend to talk 90% of the conversation. I haven’t really hung out with them in a while but it’s good to catch up now and again.
Board game night sounds cool as hell! And I hope you have a good time with your friend despite their chattiness.
How do you usually find students? It’s tough when income is variable, hope you get some new ones!
Excellent. Lithium + zoloft got me settled down. Fat af now tho i gotta get on that.
I just talked to my psych about losing weight… the struggle is real when the meds fight against you. But it’s great to hear you’re doing well!!
Doing mostly pretty well. Forgot to take a prescription yesterday and it caused me to be in a grumpy mood this morning, according to my partner. I think things have since improved.
Good to hear things improved! I hope you have a lovely week ahead of you.
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Great to hear the meds are helping. I hope that keeps going well. I have so many bipolar patients whose doctors have not figured out the meds yet, and it can be miserable. All I can do is make suggestions with deference to the doc.
I wonder if reconnecting with your old friend has some hidden benefit you have yet to see/receive - like sometimes a person who knew us a while back can have some interesting insights on our current version of ourselves. Or something entirely different, but positive. Who knows? At the very least, you know this person holds no resentment towards you, and that’s got to be a plus.
May this week bring good things into your life!
Extremely fatigued. Took 1600MG of Gabapentin and unprescribed 1 pill of Adderall a couple hours to motivate me and the get the energy for final school project but I’m feeling stuck with anxiety and indecision.
Not a good week.
Sorry to hear this week is sucky. Anxiety and indecision are terrible when you need to get stuff done. Were you able to make some progress?
Eventually, in the “final hour” I pulled together and got one project done. Two to go and then study for the exam, hopefully not too exhausted. I’ve been up ≈30 hours so it’s time for a nap. Thanks for replying 🙂
Get some rest and then good luck!
Newly diagnosed. I’ve struck out with 3 therapists so far this year but I’m trying out Lamictal and Buspar. Lamictal is worsening my depression a bit but I’m hopeful!
Welcome to our club! Sorry to hear about the therapists. I’m a therapist myself as well as a person with bipolar, and I get on my soap box about how most therapists out there don’t understand bipolar and don’t provide good treatment. It’s very frustrating. Please keep looking though - a good therapist is worth their weight in gold.
I’m also hopeful for your meds - it takes a bit to dial everything in, just keep advocating for yourself when you feel like you need a change. I’m wishing you as smooth a ride as possible!
Thanks for the welcome and for all you do for this community! I have another therapy appointment scheduled for next week and will keep looking if needed. Hopefully having a diagnosis will help me weed through the crowd to find someone better suited.
Wishing you the best of luck!