• queermunist she/her
    3 months ago

    Very optimistic piece, but I think the author is misreading the turn on Netanyahu.

    He’s being strategically propped up as The Problem, in the hope that Israel itself can escape blame. Once Netanyahu is forced out they’re going to try to use that as a turning point for even more enthusiastic support for Israel.

    • @KrasnaiaZvezda@lemmygrad.ml
      243 months ago

      That’s why I hate when people use the name of the leader of the colonialists to represent what the colonialists have done or want to do instead of saying it’s the colonialists.

      Too bad Lemmygrad doesn’t have rules about parroting capitalistic/imperialist propaganda…

      Anyway, hope Yemen doesn’t stop their support for Palestinians in their defence from the western supported and colonialist led Genocide in case the colonialists take a step back to reorganize.

      • @nephs@lemmygrad.ml
        93 months ago

        It’s hard to decolonise one’s speech. Propaganda is so ingrained in our brains it’s hard to filter all of it. And I wasn’t even born and educated in the capitalist core.

        Its a journey for all of us, and I’m happy we have people like yourself here to point out those details.

        • @KrasnaiaZvezda@lemmygrad.ml
          23 months ago

          I meant more something about word usage to not use pro capitalist/imperialist terms. Like saying the US or colonialist entity instead of the imperialist names that they gave themselves, or as I mentioned above, calling any action done by the colonialist entity or any other imperialist country as an action of the country and not it’s “leader” since the leader is not much more than a spokesperson for the the people with power.

          • I can only speak for myself, but I don’t think placing such rigid restrictions on word choice would be appreciated by most users. It’s fine in individual communities (like this one, although the sidebar also recognizes that slip-ups are inevitable) but in general I’d consider it excessive

  • KiG V2
    313 months ago

    Israel won’t survive this regional war they’ve been brewing, all the local powers are waiting for the US to show enough weakness to take action and that day inches closer every day. They are a rabid dog digging their own hole deeper and deeper.

    • @supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
      173 months ago

      They are falling apart without their cities getting hit and several regional players have the capability to do so. When that happens, the state will collapse out of panic and people moving out, the antithesis of a settler colony.

      • Che's Motorcycle
        203 months ago

        The regional powers have waited six months now. I’m open to being pleasantly surprised, but if they were going to make a move, wouldn’t they have done so already?

        • @supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
          3 months ago

          I am not talking about the Gulf nations, i meant if isntrael escalates in Lebanon, they are going to get smacked hard. And they might just be stupid enough to do it. A lot of settlements in the north have been emptied already.

          Edit: Yemen is also slowly raising the stakes as well (procuring hypersonic missiles). But yeah, these are still predictions.

          • Che's Motorcycle
            33 months ago

            True, Hezbollah and Ansar Allah definitely can escalate if provoked further. Whatever happens, here’s hoping it’s soon enough to prevent famine in Gaza.

  • @some_guy
    13 months ago

    I wish I believed this.

    Fuck Israel.