• @silence7@slrpnk.net
    344 months ago

    Good. The fact that Trump is unstable and amenable using irrational conspiracy theories in order to justify robbing the poor to fill the pockets of the rich is a key reason to choose Biden over him.

  • @Kit@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    264 months ago

    He needs to get some Gen Z folks to write the comments. Fuck political correctness, we need some spice and T. Imagine the white house account going “Sis look at what this troll of a former president tweeted today 💀💀💀 Let’s unpack how problematic this whole vibe is.”

    • @Meron35@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      He has. Megan Coyne (gen Z) runs the official Whitehouse twitter, and was noted to be extremely sassy at calling out the hypocrisy of politicians who were against student loan forgiveness but personally benefitted from having their PPP loans forgiven.

      White House Twitter thread on student debt forgiveness has NJ flair - https://www.northjersey.com/story/news/new-jersey/2022/08/26/white-house-nj-twitter-thread-megan-coyne-student-loan-debt-forgiveness/65458123007/

    • TimeSquirrel
      4 months ago

      I’d rather have the adults back in our politics instead of continuing to degrade into that, thank you very much. Feels like I grew up from being a teenager over the last two decades while everyone else regressed back into it.

        • TimeSquirrel
          4 months ago

          I realize that. I was speaking about all the childishness. Shit like hurling insults across social media like we’re at fucking recess again. The fucking boomers are doing it too.

          • @Monument
            54 months ago

            Sure, that’s a great aspiration, but we’re just dopamine seeking animals, and the oligarchs who control nearly all of the media (social and otherwise) know that, too. They make great money off reducing the tone of politics to “us vs them” and petty scorekeeping. They’ve more or less trained everyone in the U.S. since the 1980’s to approach politics this way. At this point I’m not even sure it’s ideals vs dopamine seeking behavior, so much as constant exposure to a desired behavior pattern.

            Plus, If we’re both the spectators and the gladiators in the coliseum, then we won’t have time to realize that we’re in a dying democracy.

      • Apathy Tree
        94 months ago

        Why? The ‘adults’ clearly aren’t doing shit.

        And gen z has the most to lose if shit continues heading downhill…

    • El Barto
      44 months ago

      I was okay with a boring government when I was a kid. If the government tried to be all “hello, fellow kids” on me back in the day, I would have laughed at it, and not in the good way.

      But I understand what you mean.

      • FuglyDuck
        54 months ago

        The irony is “the kids”, many of them, are in their 20’s.

  • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    -534 months ago

    This going to backfire.

    Biden was just telling reporters that the blame for the genocide of Palestinians is on Mexico not being a good neighbor to Palestine and keeping their border closed.

    This is the danger of ignoring any issues a Dem candidate has because republicans are worse. Instead of this shit only hurting them, it hurts both parties and cancels out to non engaged possible voters.

    There’s not even a benefit here. Even if a shittier Dem wins because they’re against trump, they’re still not going to be the best president. We need to do more than slowly down how worse things get. There’s so many issues we needed to address decades ago. We can’t keep putting it off forever. We need to actually make things better.

    If anything we should use rightwing extremists like trump as rationale to move further left. Not following them into crazy town chasing butterflies

    • Heresy_generator
      4 months ago

      Biden was just telling reporters that the blame for the genocide of Palestinians is on Mexico not being a good neighbor to Palestine and keeping their border closed.

      Do you mean when he was talking about negotiating with Sisi about opening the Gaza border crossing for humanitarian aid and accidentally said “Mexico”?

      Did you really fail to understand what was clearly said because one word was wrong? Are you suffering from dementia?

      • @dannoffs
        -184 months ago

        Acting like Joe Biden is fully functional and coherent is just as delusional as still thinking trump won the election. He literally just had an investigation dismissed because he was so old and forgetful. I’m still going to vote for him because his opponent is a literal fascist, but I’m not going to pretend like he isn’t an absolute shit candidate.

        • Well, he had the investigation dismissed because there was nothing there. Your point about not just sweeping his age under the rug stands. As it does for his dementia ridden opponent.

          • @dannoffs
            -24 months ago

            The special council literally said there was likely wrongdoing but chose not to press charges because “Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

            Trump is literally a fascist who tried to stage a coup, but that doesn’t make Biden not senile.

            • LOL, what a load of crap that was. If there was a case, they’d prosecute. Don’t let yourself be fooled by the strikingly unprofessional opinions thrown in by that trump appointee.

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        -334 months ago

        Mate, it ain’t a one time thing…

        Acting like it only convinces the people you’re talking to that you lie about stuff, or believe the wild claims that whenever you’re not looking at Biden he magically transforms into a competent energetic young man.

        Either way, you’re not convincing anyone to vote Biden after doing that.

        Maybe I’m just bad at communicating too. You know who’s good at it?

        Jon Stewart


    • Neato
      334 months ago

      Oh hey look. It’s @shitonbiden@trump.supporter chiming in anytime there’s a post that involves Biden at all.

    • Patapon Enjoyer
      4 months ago

      I don’t believe you. He would never call the genocide that’s been happening in Palestine a genocide

        • Patapon Enjoyer
          4 months ago

          Most of the world supports the victims of that conflict, while in this one the “international community” either lines up to support the perpetrator or stands by doing nothing. Number of dead civilians and children alone should be enough to tell you this comparison is ill advised at best and wilfully ignorant at worse.

            • Patapon Enjoyer
              4 months ago

              Sorry for the booboo. You’ll live. Unlike the more than 10000 Palestinian children since October that you and your kind heart are not as concerned about

    • FuglyDuck
      44 months ago

      It needs to be braced with reasons to vote for Biden.

      They have to do both, attack Trump and explain why Biden.

      Remember “Trump Bad” is not a reason to vote for Biden. It’s a reason to not vote for Trump.

      • @givesomefucks@lemmy.world
        -64 months ago

        Yep, and when less people vote, republicans win.

        We’re better off with younger candidates that energize voters. Not using the second oldest person to run for president as an excuse to run the oldest.

        The democratic party just reminds me of a pro athlete that bets on his team to win, but not cover the spread.

        So they’re constantly trying to win, but only by a razor thin margin.