Title says it all - a space for you to vent about anything on your mind, or tell us about something cool going on. Hope you’ve all been well!

Remember, you’re loved stalin-heart

Not much going on here. Still cracking away on recordings, have a few releases lined up. If anyone wants the new Plague shit, DM me. Beyond that, gotta get groceries and BP meds tomorrow. Beyond that, just protecting the corgi from any storms tonight, starting the Sky Island arc in One Piece with my partner, and playing Persona 5. Storms for the next 24 hours, so I’m all cozy and snug. LOVE LOVE LOVE this weather, and the best part is its not too cold out!

Beyond the usual, just fretting about work and money. Got a super good in at a local housing org (wont say more), but haven’t heard back yet. It’d be super swell to have a job I could wake up to and feel good about, something with some actual social benefit and not enterprise/b2b crap.

Also I’ve almost gone through a 2lb bag of coffee in under a week, so that seems like a lot? I dunno. If I want to avoid a nap I’ll drink a Monster on top of it. Caffeine fiends rise up I guess. almost 5 months no booze now, so its an improvement at the very least!

  • Strayce
    1 year ago

    Decidedly mixed. I work for a nonprofit, which is awesome, but I’m not getting enough shifts to get by and I’m wondering if the org is actually doing okay. I’m studying nutrition with the goal of ending up doing food equity work. I’m getting pretty good marks but holy shit the barriers capitalism puts up against public health are fucking depressing. Got some volunteer work lined up to get more involved in community support. Could be worse I guess. Feel like I’m not getting enough done fast enough.