I know the leftist in me is supposed to have sympathy for these people and get them to unionize. But only after I stop laughing and enjoying this moment. For years these fucks told the rest of us to “learn to code” and pretended like studying anything else at uni was a fucking waste of time.

GUESS WHAT FUCKERS. SO WAS CODING. Looks like we’ll be baristas together, only I’ll have three years of experience!!!

    84 months ago

    See I’m currently going through a CS degree and I have no idea why a finance firm would need a programmer. And what kind of firms are we even talking, like banks and credit unions, or something considerably more arcane?

    • iie [they/them, he/him]
      54 months ago

      Finance firms use computer algorithms to make market predictions and automate their buying and selling. A lot of math majors go into finance.