• @deft@lemmy.wtf
        -135 months ago

        That just continues to show this post is inflated and not really a good source of information.

        • CloutAtlas [he/him]
          255 months ago

          Extrapolating the data from the first 9 months (aka first 3 quarters) of 2023 to estimate what the last 3 months provided isn’t inflating it? Look at the IMF’s data for the US and UK and what OP’s graph projects.

          If it’s about giving China a handjob why would they inflate the US’s GDP as well?

            • CloutAtlas [he/him]
              195 months ago

              You can’t possibly make that claim without showing your mathematics to disprove it, fam.

              If something rises from 0 to 4.2 in 270 days, how would it not hit at least 5.0 on 365 days?

              You probably think it’s a bunch of bots you’re arguing with but man, you’ll take anti-China articles at face value without ever looking further than a headline but will disregard anything even pro-China as propaganda, I think you might be extremely biased.

              Also while this was happening I found a Reuters article that says also states 5.2% growth in Q4 and it’s a criticism of China that it’s LOWER

              Like at this stage a sane person would just concede right?

            • Che's Motorcycle
              165 months ago

              4.2 / 3 = 1.4

              4.2 + 1.4 = 5.6

              If anything, the screenshot is underestimating the fourth quarter.

              • @deft@lemmy.wtf
                -75 months ago

                because that’s not how they do the math lol

                there is a lot more than that. which is why the number you got and that number is wrong.

                Weird right? You put actual thought in and realize that’s not truthful. Interesting huh?

                • CloutAtlas [he/him]
                  205 months ago

                  Ok, let’s ignore Reuters because they’re probably Chinese shills or the IMF estimating 5.4%, 0.2% higher than the official CCP figure released in Jan because the International Monetary Fund are communist shills as well.

                  You’ve already got it set in your mind, no amount of evidence from even western sources will change your mind, I get it.

                  But, hypothetically, it was proven to be 5%. Would you go back and question the sources that told you it wasn’t? Or continue to chug along as you are now, taking those sources at face value?

                  Chinese journalists who under reported figures 4.8% at the start of Jan found out they were wrong and retracted the articles because it was factually incorrect, western media pounced on it because “Wow China’s censoring journalists that says the economy is bad, therefore the only conclusion is their economy is bad, that’s the conclusion we’re implying here” and then a few days later even Reuters was like “oh yeah it was over 5%” and it’s crickets from the people that implied “China SCRUBS CLEAN ALL EVIDENCE OF BAD ECONOMY” you’ll continue to remember it as the latter for the rest of your life.